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Academic year: 2022

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Người soạn : Bùi Anh Văn Tên môn : Ngoại ngữ

Tiết : 4

Ngày soạn : 22/09/2017 Ngày giảng : 25/09/2017 Ngày duyệt : 01/10/2017




1. Kiến thức

Date of preparing:20/9/2017        Week 4         Period 13  


Lesson 1 (p1,2-work in pairs)  

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:

- By the end of this unit, Ps can:

* Use the words and prases related to the topic Days of the week.

* Ask and answer questions about the days of the week, using What day is it today? It’s 2. Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, listening skills.

3. Attitudes:  Students love their friends and classes II. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

- Communicative approach.

III.Teaching methods + Ask and answer (say individually)        + Work in pairs/ groups.

       + Discuss.

IV.Procedures 1.Organization:  

- Greeting.

- Checking for the students' attendance.

2. Oral test:

- Check pupils’ books, note books ……

3. The new content

Class      Date of teaching       Absent students    4A




Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

Warm up: (5’)

 *Spend a few minutes revising the previous unit by having the class to sing the song Where are you from? Then write today’s date on the board. Point to it and say Today is ... and write the day on the board.

Look, listen and repeat: (14’) 1.

*We  are going to learn to read a story in which which pupils ask and answer questions about


Sing the song Where are you from?


Look at the board and listen.




days of the week.

*Ask students to look at the four pictures. And read the story. Then answer the questions: 

P a. Where are the pupils?

      Who’s the teacher?

P b. What day is it?

P c. What lesson is it?

P d. When is the next English lesson?

*Play the recording twice for pupils to listen and repeat.

Point and say: (18’) 1.

*We are going to practise asking the questions What day is it today? And answer with It’s ...

*Ask pupils to work in pairs.


*Language note: Remind pupils that the days of the week start with capital letters. Write the abbreviations of the days on the board (E.g:

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun) and ask pupils to read aloud the days in full forms.


Work in pairs. Ask your partners what day is it today?


*We are going to practise asking question about the days of the wekk, using What day is it? And answering with the name of a specific day.

*Ask pupils to play a guessing game in pairs.

Ask each pair to write each day of the week on a slip of paper and put the paper slips face down on the desk. P1: draw a slip of paper without looking at it. P2 asks What day is it?

P1 should guess and say a day, and then look at the paper. If the anser matches the day on the paper, he/she scores one mark and continous to draw another slip. If the answer does not match the day on the paper, P2 has a turn. The pupil scoring the most marks will be the winer.

4. Consolidation: (2’)

*Asking pupils to focus on the structure once again.

*Retell the content of the lesson.

* We are going to practise using Good morning or Good afternoon.

*Ask pupils to act out the greeting with me.


Look at four pictures, listen and answer the questions.


They are in the class.

Miss Hien is the teacher.

It’s Monday.

It’s the English lesson.

On Tuesday.

Listen and repeat.


Practise asking the questions What day is it today? And answer with

It’s ...

Work in pairs.


Practise asking question about the days of the wekk, using What day is it? And answering with the name of a specific day.

Play a guessing game in pairs.






Date of preparing:20/9/2017        Week 4               Period 14  


Lesson 1 (3, 4, 5)  

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:

- By the end of this unit, Ps can:

* Use the words and prases related to the topic Days of the week.

* Ask and answer questions about the days of the week, using What day is it today? It’s 2. Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, listening skills.

3. Attitudes:  Students love their friends and classes II. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

- Communicative approach.

III.Teaching methods + Ask and answer (say individually)        + Work in pairs/ groups.

       + Discuss.

IV.Procedures 1.Organization:


- Greeting.

- Checking for the students' attendance.

2. Oral test:

- Check pupils’ books, note books ……

3. The new content     * Homework: (1’)

Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.



Do exercises. Learn by heart the new words and structures.

Class      Date of teaching       Absent students    4A




Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm up: (5’)

*Greet the class and ask What day it it today? Write the answer on the board. Then draw a calendar, showing one


Answer the question and look at the board. Then tell


week with abbreviated days. Those are the abbrevations for the days used in a calendar or timetable. Point to each abbrevation and get pupils to tell you the full form.


Listen and tick: (6’) 1.

*We are going to listen to three dialogues about days of the week and tick the correct pictures.


*Ask pupils to look at the pictures to identify the deferrent days of the week.


*Ask pupils to read aloud the days in English.


* Play the recording and ask pupils to listen and check the correct pictures.

* Ask pupils to swap their answers and check.

*Key: 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – c.

*Audio script:

1. Mr Loc:   Hello, class.

   Class:      Hello, Mr Loc.

   Mr Loc:  What day is it today?

   Class:      It’s Thursday.

   Mr Loc:   Very good! Time for English.

2. Mai:    What day is it today?

   Nam:   It’s Tuesday.  

   Mai:    So we have English today, right?

   Nam:   Yes, That’s right.

3.Phong:  It’s Tuesday. We have English today.

   Quan:   No, it isn’t Tuesday. It’s Wednesday.

       We don’t have English today.

   Phong: Oh, you are right.

Look and write: (12’) 1.

*We are going to look at the table and complete the sentences with the names of the days.

*Ask pupils to look at the table, the sentences and do the task.

*Check answers as a class and ask 2 pupils read the completed text aloud.

*If time allows, ask pupils more questions about the other days of the week (E.g: I listen to music today. What day is it?)


1. Monday; 2. Tuesday; 3. Saturday; 4. Sunday.

5. Let’s sing: (14’)

*We are going to sing the song We have English today.

*Ask pupils to read the song.

*Play the recording all the way through for the first time

you the full form.


Listen to three dialogues and tick the correct pictures.

Look at each picture and identify the deferrent days of the week.

Read aloud the days in English.

Listen again and check the correct.

Swap the answers and check.



Do the task.


Listen and 2 pupils read the completed text aloud.

More questions about the other days of the week (E.g:

I listen to music today.

What day is it?)  


Read the song.





Date of preparing:20/9/2017        Week 4         Period 15   Unit 3: WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?

Lesson 2 (1, 2, 3)   

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge:

- By the end of this unit, Ps can:

* Ask and answer questions about weekly activities, using What do you do on + names od the days)? I ... in the morning/in the afternoon.

2. Skills:

- Develop Ss listening, reading and writing skills.

3. Attitudes:  Students love their friends and classes II. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

- Communicative approach.

III.Teaching methods + Ask and answer (say individually)        + Work in pairs/ groups.

       + Discuss.

IV.Procedures 1.Organization:  

and ask pupils to repeat each line twice the second time.

* Divide the class into two groups, one group singing the questions and the other singing the answers.


*Ask pupils to replace the days in the song with the real days on their English timetable.


Language Note: Say We have English on Monday when indicating a specific Monday, nad We have English on Mondays when indicting all Mondays.


4.Consolidation: (2’)

*Asking Pupils to focus on the structure once again.

*Retell the content of the lesson.

*. Homework: (1’)

Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.

Repeat each line twice the second time.


One group singing the questions and the other singing the answers.

Replace the days in the song with the real days on their English timetable.


D o e x e r c i s e s i n t h e workbook.

Class      Date of teaching       Absent students

   4A       27/9/2017  


- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

2. Oral test:

 - Have pupils greet.

3. The new content    4B       27/9/2017

Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

Warm up: (5’)

*Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by having  the class sing the song We have English today.

Look, listen and repeat: (10’) 1.

* We are going to learn to read a story in which pupils ask and answer questions about Quan and Nam’s weekly activities.

*Ask pupils to look at the pictures to read the text, identify the characters and the setting of the conversation by asking How many people? Who are they? Where are they?

And What are they doing?


* Quan wants to know what Nam does on Fridays. Nam answer that he goes to school in the morning and helps his parents at home in the afternoon. Then Nam asks Quan What do you do on Saturdays? And Quan answers that he visit his grandparents in the morning and plays football in the afternoon.

*Play the recording more than once, ask students listen and repeat. Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking.

*Ask pupils to role-play the conversation in pairs.


Point and say: (14’) 1.

*We are going to practise asking and answering questions about weekly activities.

*Ask pupils to look at the table in their books. Ask pupils to identify the days when the characters do the activities.


* Point to the table and get pupils to repeat the words in each row. 

* Do example with a pupil: What do you do on Mondays?

I go to school in the morning. I listen to music in the afternoon./I go to school in the morning. And in the afternoon I listen to music.

* Ask pupils to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions, using the given text in the bubbles and the information in the table.



Some pupils to the front of the class to sing the song We have English today.



Look at the pictures and read the text, identify the characters and the setting of the conversation and answer the questions.



Listen and repeat again.


Role-play the conversation in pairs.



Look at the table in their b o o k s . A s k p u p i l s t o identify the days when the characters do the activities.

Look at the table and repeat the words.

One pupil do the example with the teacher.


Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions, using the given text in the bubbles and the information in the


5 . E v a l u a t i o n :



         --- Date of preparing:20/9/2017        Week 4         Period 16   Unit 3: WHAT DAY IS IT TODAY?

Lesson 2 (4, 5, 6)  

I. Knowledge:

- By the end of this unit, Ps can:

* Ask and answer questions about weekly activities, using What do you do on + names od the days)? I ... in the morning/in the afternoon.

2. Skills:

- Develop Ss listening, reading and writing skills.

3. Attitudes:  Students love their friends and classes II. Teaching aids:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.

2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

- Communicative approach.

III.Teaching methods + Ask and answer (say individually)        + Work in pairs/ groups.

       + Discuss.

IV.Procedures 1.Organization:

* Invite some pairs to act out the exchanges, using facts about themselves.


3. Let’s talk: (8’)

* We are going to revise what we have learn in Lesson 1 and 2.

* Ask pupils to work in pairs to prepare exchanges based on the questions provided. Remind them to answer with the facts about themselves.


* Call a few pairs to act out their conversation.

4. Consolidation: (2’)

* Asking Pupils to focus on the structure once again.

* Retell the content of the lesson.

* Homework: (1’)

Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.


Some pairs to act out the exchanges, using facts about themselves.


Work in pairs to prepare exchanges based on the questions provided. Remind them to answer with the facts about themselves.

A few pairs to act out their conversation.


D o e x e r c i s e s i n t h e workbook. Learn by heart t h e n e w w o r d s a n d structures.

Class      Date of teaching       Absent students


- Greeting

- Checking for the students' attendance.

2. Oral test:

 - Have pupils greet.

3. The new content       4A




Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

Warm up: (5’)

*Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by getting the class to play Spelling Bee, using the days of the week. Then invite a pair of pupils to act out the exchanges in Lesson 2, Activity 2.

4. Listen and number: (9’)

* We are going to listen to four dialogues about what the childen do on different days of the week and number the pictures.

*Ask pupils to look at the pictures and identify each activity.

*Play the recording more than once, ask pupils listen and number the pictures.

*Ask pupils swap their answers.


*Key: a – 3; b – 2; c – 4; d – 1 Audio script:

1. A: Do you visit your grandparents on Saturdays?

   B: No, I don’t.

   A: What do you do?

   B: I go to the zoo.

2. A: Do you swimming on Sundays?

   B: No, I don’t.

   A: When do you go swimming?

   B: On Friday afternoons.

3. A: Do you go to school on Satuerdays?

   B: No, I don’t. I go to school from Monday        to Friday.

4. A: What do you do on Tuesday afternoons?

   B: I stay at home. I play the guitar.

Look and write: (15’) 1.

*We are going to complete the sentences, using the given information.

*Ask pupils to look at the timetable and read the text.

Then check comprehension.


*Ask pupils to do the tesk (8’)

*Ask pupils to swap their answers.

* Ask two pupils to read aloud the complete text.


A pair of pupils to act out the exchanges in Lesson 2, Activity 2.



Look at the pictures and identify each activity.


Listen and number the pictures.

Swap their answers.

Listen and correct.



Look at the timetable and read the text. Then check comprehension.

Do the tesk.

Swap their answers.

Two pupils to read aloud the





       Tổ Trưởng kí duyệt        Ngày 28/9/2017



      Lê Thị Thuần  




Key: 1. Friday; 2. Go to school; 3. Go swimming;

   4. Saturday; 5. go to school 6. Let’s play: (8’)

*We are going to play slap the board.

*Put the nine words on the board. Ask three pupils to come to the front. Say one of the words on the board. The pupil who is the quickest to slap the correct word gets one point. The one who gets the most points at the end of the game will win.


*Invite another three pupils to play the game.


4. Consolidation: (2’)

*Asking Pupils to focus on the structure once again.

*Retell the content of the lesson.

*. Homework: (1’)

Do exercises in the workbook.  Learn by heart the new words and structures.

complete text.

Listen and correct.


Three pupils to come to the front. Say one of the words on the board. The pupil who is the quickest to slap the correct word gets one point.

The one who gets the most points at the end of the game will win.

Another three pupils to play the game.


D o e x e r c i s e s i n t h e workbook. Learn by heart t h e n e w w o r d s a n d structures.


2. Kỹ năng ...

3. Thái độ ...


1. Công tác chuẩn bị của giáo viên

2. Yêu cầu chuẩn bị của học sinh


Tài liệu tham khảo

Tài liệu liên quan

- Tell pupils that they are going to look at the pictures and questions and write the answers.. Check comprehension and

- Tell pupils that they are going to read the text and write the answers to the questions - Tell pupils to read the questions first - Ask them read the email and focus on the

- Tell the class that they are going to read and listen to the story. - Before they listen, ask them to look at the pictures and ask them questions to remind them of the

-Tell the class that they are going to read the passage again and answers the questions.. -Ask pupils to read the questions and underline the

-Tell the class that they are going to read the passage again and answers the questions?. -Ask pupils to read the questions and underline the

Then individual pupils read the words while pointing to the corresponding picture.. - Ask the pupils to look at the missing puzzle pieces and match them to

*Ask pupils to look at the pictures and ask pupils to answer the question: What these subjects are called in English.. Ask pupils to point to the pictures and say aloud the names

Tell the class that they are going to read and listen to the story. Before they listen, ask them to look at the pictures and ask them questions to remind them of the characters.