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Academic year: 2022

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Người soạn : Cao Thị Giang Tên môn : Ngoại ngữ

Tiết : 11

Ngày soạn : 24/10/2021 Ngày giảng : 11/10/2021 Ngày duyệt : 25/10/2021




1. Kiến thức Lớp 1 Week: 06 Period: 11

Date of preparing: 09/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 2 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1

(1B)                   1 2 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 (1C)       13/10/2021 (1A)               


Unit 2: SCHOOL Lesson 2 (P1)  


1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify classroom objects.

- Language focus: 

- Vocabulary: review /c/ sound.

- Structure:

2. Skills.

- Listening and speaking

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Using knowledge to do exercises


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, speakers, software.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

1. Warm-up (5’)

Sing The alphabet song

Play the alphabet song and have students listen.

Play audio again and sing the song.

Put the flashcards on the board for the letters in red (a , b , c, and d). Point to each flashcard, call out the letter's name, and have students repeat.


2. Presentation (30’)

2.1. Listen and repeat. trace. (5’) CD 1- Track 28

Have students look at the pictures.

Point to the pictures and say the letters' sounds.

Play audio. Have students listen and repeat the letter sounds. ( whole class/ individuals) 2.2. Listen and repeat.(5’)

 - CD 1- Track 29

Have students look at the pictures.

Demonstrate pointing to the correct letter when you hear the sound.

Play audio. Have students point to the correct picture at the top of the page when they hear the appropriate sound.

2.3. Sing.(5’) - CD 1- Track 30.

- Have students look at the pictures and call out the beginning sounds. Demonstrate the activity using the example.

- Have students put a tick or a cross.

- Check answers as a whole class 2.4. Listen and hop.(5’)

- CD 1- Track 31.

Have students look at the example.

Divide the class into pairs.

Have Student A draw a letter on Student B's back.

Have Student B try to guess which letter it is.

Have students swap roles and repeat.

Optional activities: Find the letter (5’)

Stick each letter cards (a- z) on a small plastic ball. Put all the balls into a basket.

Arrange the students in two lines.

Say one of the letters ( a to b).

Have the first students in the lines race to the basket to find the ball with correct letter.

The student who finds the ball first and names it correctly gets a point for his/her team.

Wrap-up (5’)

* Option 1: Listen and tap

Write the letters and the words in different areas on the board.

Divide the class into groups.

Invite a student from each group to go to the board.

Call out a letter sound or a word.

The students will run and slap the letter or the word on the board and say it loudly.

The fastest student will be the winner.

Repeat the activity with other students.     

3. Application (3’)


- Ss say about the sound c 4. Summary (2’)

- Ask the Ss about the sound they have learn in the lesson and how to say about the sound c  


1. Listen and repeat. trace.


2. Listen and repeat  

      3. Sing        

4. Listen and hop  


Week: 06 Period: 12

Date of preparing: 10/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1

(1B)                   1 3 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 (1C)       14/10/2021 (1A)             


Unit 2: SCHOOL Lesson 2 (P2)  



1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to identify classroom objects.

- Language focus: 

- Vocabulary: review /d/ sound.

- Structure:

2. Skills.

- Listening and speaking

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Using knowledge to do exercises


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, speakers, software.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

1. Warm-up (5’) Speed race

Put 4 chairs in front of the board.

Divide the class into 4 teams.

Have a student from each team stand up.

Put a phonics card on each chair.

Call out one of the phonics cards.

The students standing try to be the first to sit on the chair with the corresponding phonics card.

The first student to sit on the chair wins a point for his/her team. The team with the most points wins.     

2. Presentation (30’)

2.1. Listen and repeat. Trace.(5’) CD1- Track 32

Have students look at the pictures.

Point to the pictures and say the letters' sounds and trace

Play audio. Have students listen and repeat the letter sounds and trace.

2.2. Listen and repeat. (5’) CD1- Track 33.

Have students look at the pictures.

Demonstrate pointing to the correct letter when you hear the sound.

Play audio. Have students point to the correct picture at the top of the page when they hear the appropriate sound.

2.3. Sing. (5’) - CD1- Track 34.

Have students look at the pictures and call out the beginning sounds. Demonstrate the activity


using the example.

Have students sing

Check answers as a whole class. 

2.4. Listen and jump.(5’) - CD1- Track 35.

Divide the class into pairs.

Have Student A start at A and say the first letter sound or word.

Have Student B start at B and say the first letter sound or word.

Have students take turns saying the letter sounds or words as they go all the way around.

* Option: Pass the ball Give student a ball.

Have students listen to music and pass the ball.

Stop music.

Have the student with a ball say the sound of letters a, b, c and d Wrap-up (5’)

* Option: Phonics posters  

Divide the class into groups of five.

Hand out sheets of paper and colored pencils.

Children choose the “a”, “b”, “c”, “d” sound.

They must draw pictures of one or two words with their chosen sound and color them.

Somewhere on the poster they should write the sound.

Put the phonics posters around the classroom.

3. Application (3’)

- Ss say about the sound d 4. Summary (2’)

- Ask the Ss about the sound they have learn in the lesson and how to say about the sound c  


1. Listen and repeat. Trace



2. Listen and repeat  

      3. Sing        

4. Listen and jump  

                                           Lớp 2 Week: 06 Period: 11


Date of preparing: 08/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1

(2B)             1 3 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 (2C)      


UNIT 2. SHAPES Lesson 1 (D,E)  


1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:  Ask and answer about the shape of objects

- Vocabulary: review (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) - Structures: review

      What shape is it?

      It's a (triangle).

2. Skills.

- Listening, reading, writing and speaking.

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities

- Building up interests and good habits in learning English - Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork

- Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner - Demonstrating problem-solving skills through learning activities


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, flashcards, computer, speakers, software.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

1. Warm-up: (5’)

Play the game “Who is faster?”

- Divide the class into groups.

- Arrange the flashcards on the board. (circle, square, triangle, rectangle) - Invite a student from each group to go to the board.

Teacher says a word and the students run to tap the right card.

2. New lesson (30’)

D. Point, ask and answer. (12’) Practice (optional).


- Divide the class into two teams.

- Show a flashcard to the class.

- Have Team A ask the question and Team B answer.

- Swap roles and repeat.

E.g. (Teacher shows a flashcard "circle".)

• Team A: "What shape is it?"

• Team B: "It's a circle."

Point, ask, and answer.

- Divide the class into pairs.

- Have Student A point to a picture and ask, have Student B answer.

- Swap roles and repeat.

- Afterwards, have some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

Answer key

1. What shape is it? It's a square.

2. What shape is it? It's a circle.

3. What shape is it? It's a triangle.

4. What shape is it? It's a rectangle.

5. What shape is it? It's a rectangle.

6. What shape is it? It's a triangle.

7. What shape is it? It's a rectangle.

8. What shape is it? It's a circle.

"Memory chain" game (5’) - Divide the class into groups.

- Have Student A ask Student B “What shape is it?”

- Have Student B answer the question.

- Next, have Student B turn to Student C and ask the question, then have Student C answer using Student B’s answer with one extra shape.

- Have Student C repeat the question to the next student, and so on.

- If a student forgets a sentence, the group must start from Student A again.

- The winning group is the first one to have all members finish speaking.

E. Play "Guess the picture”. (6’) - Have students look at the example.

- Divide the class into two teams.

- Have a student stand facing away from the board and stick a flashcard on the board behind them.

- Have someone from the same team ask the student a question about the flashcard.

- Have the student try to guess the answer without looking at the flashcard.

- Give that team one point if it's a correct guess.


- Have teams take turns.

Workbook page 15 (7’)

Have students open their Workbooks page 15.

C. Listen and color.

- Have students look at exercise C and look at all shapes, identify them and guess the answers could be.

- Play audio. Have students listen and color the pictures.

- Play audio again. Have students listen and check.

- Check understanding and give the correct answers as a whole class.

D. Read and draw.

- Have students read the questions and answers, then draw shapes.

- Check understanding and give the correct answers as a whole class.

Wrap up

 “Ball Circle” game

- Divide the class into groups of 5–10. Each group sits in a circle. Give each group a ball and a chalkboard.

- One student draws a shape (circle, square, rectangle, triangle) and asks, “What shape is it?” and throws the ball to another student. He/she has to answer his/her friend’s question.

- This student will continue drawing and asking: “What shape is it?” then throwing the ball to another student.

- Continue until every student has a turn.

3. Summary (2’)

- Retell the content of the lesson.


D. Point, ask and answer.




E. Play "Guess the picture”.




Week: 06 Period: 12

Date of preparing: 10/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 ( 2 B )      


             1 4 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 ( 2 C )             


UNIT 2. SHAPES Lesson 2 (A, B, C, D)  


1. Knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to gain the following:  Recognize the sound of letters “Pp” and produce them individually

- Vocabulary: pen, penguin - Structures:

2. Skills.

- Listening, reading, writing and speaking.

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities

- Building up interests and good habits in learning English - Being collaborative and supportive in teamwork

- Building up responsive and independent-working characteristics to be a life-long learner - Demonstrating problem-solving skills through learning activities


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, flashcards, computer, speakers, software.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

1. Warm-up: (5’)

"Stepping stones" game

- Divide the class into four teams.

- Draw a river with some stones across it on the board.

- Each team has a symbol to represent each team, e.g. "triangle”, "circle", … - Have teams play rock, paper, scissors to see which team goes first.

- For each correct answer, draw or attach the symbol of the corresponding team to a stone in the direction of the opposite side of the river.

The first team to cross the river has to write a sentence with their symbol. (E.g. It’s a circle.) 2. Presentation (30’)

A. Listen and repeat. Trace. (7’)       

- Use some real thing and pictures to introduce the letter p and the words.

- Have students listen to each new word.


- Have students listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually. Correct student’s pronunciation if necessary.

- Play audio. Have students listen and repeat.

- Demonstrate tracing the letters with your finger.

- Have students trace the letters with their fingers, then have them work in pairs and trace the letter for their friends say it.

- Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

B. Listen and repeat. Write. (8’) - Have students look at the pictures.

- Demonstrate the activity.

- Play audio. Have students point to the letter as they hear it.

- Play audio again. Have students listen and repeat.

- Have students trace and write the letters.

- Have some students demonstrate the activity in front of the class.

C. Sing. (5’)

- Play audio and have students listen.

- Have students look at the lyrics.

- Read the lyrics and do actions following them.

- Play audio and have students listen, sing along, and do the actions.

- Have students make a new verse with the word "penguin" and sing along the same melody as the first one.

D. Listen and clap. (5’) - Demonstrate the activity.

- Have students stand up.

- Have students clap when they hear the letter sound.

Wrap up (5’) Workbook page 16

- Have students open their workbooks page 16.

- Have students look at part A and B, read the instruction of each.

- Have students start doing their exercises. When the time ends by explosion students stop their work.

- Check understanding as a whole class and give the correct answers. Then the teacher gives stamps or stickers to the whole class.

3. Application (3’)

- Recognize the sound of letters “Pp” and produce them individually 4. Summary (2’)

- Retell the content of the lesson.




A. Listen and repeat. Trace.


B. Listen and repeat. Write.


C. Sing  




D. Listen and clap  

      Lớp 3  

Week: 06 Period: 21

Date of preparing: 08/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1

(3A)                   1 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 (3C)       11/10/2021 (3B)                 


Lesson 1 (4, 5, 6)  

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge:

- Ask and answer question about someone.

- Listen and tick the correct pictures.

- Read and fill the gapped exchanges, using the pictures.

- Write the answers to the question Who’s that? using the pictures.

- Sentence Patterns: Revision - Vocabulary: Revision 2. Skills.

- Listening, reading and writing.

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities

- Ss confident in communicate with their friends.

- Ss love English, friends and teacher.

- Ss ask and answer questions about age’s ssomeone.

- Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends.


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.



Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

1. Warm up (5’)

Play game: Jumped words 2. New lesson

Activity 4. Listen and tick(10’)

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page 25 of the Student Book. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the information they hear to the pictures.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and tick the boxes.

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers.  - T gives the answer.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text.

Activity 5. Read and write(10’)

Have pupils open their books to Page 25. Get Ss to identify the characters in the pictures and what they are saying.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get information to write the missing words in dialogue 1 and 2.

- Ss read silently and complete the dialogues.

- Ss trade their answers within pairs for correction

- Ask Ss to read the answers aloud to the class. The others listen and give comments.

- Make some questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the reading text.

- Have the whole class read each line of the dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation.

Activity 6. Let’s write (10’)

- Have pupils open their books to Page 25. Get Ss to identify the characters in the pictures. Tell pupils that they are going to read the question and give the answer using the information in each picture.

- Pupils practice in pairs and complete the answer.

- Pair works. Pupils give their answers for correction.

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to the class. The rest of the class listen and give comments.

- Have the whole class read each line of the dialogues chorally to reinforce their pronunciation 3. Summary(2’)

- Asking Ss to focus on the structure once again. Retell the content of the lesson.

4. Listen and tick

(Show the task in the screen) Answer: 1.b          2.a




5. Read and write

(Show the task in the screen)  


1. Who    2.Who’s that?


6.  Let’s write

(Show the task in the screen)  

Answer: 1. It’s Tony;

2. It’s Mary;

3. It’s Peter;       

4. It’s Linda  


IV. Evaluation






Week: 06 Period: 22

Date of preparing: 08/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1

(3C)                   1 1 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 (3A)       13/10/2021 (3B)      


Lesson 2 (1,2,3)  


1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Ask and answer about the other speaker’s age.

- Sentence Patterns: How old are you? – I’m ___.  

- Vocabulary: Numbers 1 – 10 2. Skills.

- Listening and speaking.

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities

- Ss confident in communicate with their friends.

- Ss love English, friends and teacher.

- Using language to ask and answer questions about the other speaker’s age.


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, speakers, softbook and computer.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


Teacher and Students’ activities Contents

1. Warm up (5’)

- Ss ask and answer question about someone.

2. Presentation (30’)

2. 1. Look, listen and repeat (7’)

* Set the scene:       

- T uses the picture of the dialogue on page 26(Student book 1) to lead Ss in the conversation


- Ask students to look at the 4 pictures  in the book and check comprehension by eliciting the answers for these questions.

    T: Who are they?

    Ss: They are Miss Hien, Nam and Mai.

    T: Where are they?

    Ss: They are in the classroom.

    T: What are they talking about?

   Ss: They are talking about Mai and Nam’s age.

- Play the recording all the way throught for Ss to listen and follow in their book.

- Play the recording again for Ss repeat the text several times.( line by line in the bubbles).

- Point to the picture for Ss to read the dialogue  again - Have Ss to find out the new structure.

2. 2. Point and say.(15’) a. Prestenting new words.

Have pupils look at pictures on Page 26. Elicit the characters in the pictures and their names.

Review numbers from 1 to 10.

- T models  - Ss listen and repeat.

       + WC

       + Groups( Optional)        + Individual

- T writes the word on the board.

- Do the same way with other words.

Check vocabs: What and where - T asks Ss to copy down.

b. Sentence Pattern:

* Prestenting model sentences.

- Point to the first picture  and elicit the

 name to fill in the gap. Put the sentence on the board:  How old are you,...?I’m ...

and have Ss repeat them several times.

- Check the form/ use/ meaning/ intonation

* Practice.

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice saying. How old are you,...? I’m ...

- T reads – Ss listen & repeat.

- Replace the addresses by doing choral and individual repetition, using the pictures in the book.

- T asks Ss point and say.      

- T and good students model.( T         S1,- T        S2)  +T- WC

 + Half/half


 + Pairs( Closed pairs, Open- pairs) 2. 3. Let’s talk(5’)

Tell Ss that they are going to practice more with their friends. Give a few seconds for Ss to read the questions and check comprehension.

Call a pair to give a demonstration of the answer before starting the activity.

Have Ss work in pairs. Go around to offer help and correct the pronunciation, if necessary.

Call several pairs to act out the dialogue in front of the class.

4. Application (5’)

- Ss ask and answer about the other speaker’s age in your family.

5. Summary(2’)

- Retell the content of the lesson.

1. Look, listen and repeat (Show the task in the screen)  


2. Point and say.

 a. Vocabulary

Review numbers from 1 to 10.

b.  Sentences

   How old are you,...?


   I’m ...

Hỏi và trả lời về tuổi của 1 ai đó.


3. Let’s talk

How old________?



IV. Evaluation





Week: 06 Period: 23

Date of preparing: 09/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 2 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1


(3A)                   1 4 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1 (3B)       14/10/2021 (3C)               



Lesson 2 (4,5,6)  

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge:

- Ask and answer questions about someone's age.

- Listen and fill the gapped sentences. 

- Read and tick the correct ages. 

- Sing the song Let’s count from one to ten.

- Sentence Patterns: Revision   - Vocabulary: Revision

2. Skills.

- Listening, reading and writing.

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Ss using knowledge to do exercises.

- Be self-conscious complete the exercises.


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, English room.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.

III. PROCEDURE ( 35’) Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Content

1. Warm up: (5’)

-   Ss ask and aswer quetion about classmate’s age.

2. New lesson:

Activity 4. Listen and write (10’)

Ask Ss observe the pictures and identify the people in pictures in book on page 29 Students read the title.

T runs through the pictures

       How many pictures are there?

      Who are they?

      What are they doing?

How many dialogues are there?


Ask students to listen and write the words to complete the dialogue.

- Work in pairs to do the exercise then practice in pairs in front of the whole class. The rest listen to and give the remark.  

Correct the pronunciation Activity 5: Read and tick.(10’)

T introduces the topic “you are going to read the sentences and find the suitable information to tick in the box”.

- Ss read the sentences individually and do the exercise.

- Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction

- Call on some Ss to report their answers. Others listen and comment.

- Have the whole class  read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation Activity 6. Let’s sing (10’)

Introduce the song on Page 27.

- Play the recording and listen to the song “ Let’s count from one to ten”

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each line of the rhythm.

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and do the actions. The others clap their hands after the song

- Group work. Pupils practise singing and doing the actions in groups. Monitor the activity and help them when necessary. Correct pronunciation Ss’ errors.

3. Summary(2’ )

Consolidate the content of the lesson  


4. Listen and write

(Show the task in the screen)

Answers: 1. this; 2. hello; 3.that; 4. isn’t.




5. Read and tick

(Show the task in the screen) Answer: 1. 6   2. 8   3. 10   4. 10    


6. Let’s sing

(Show the song in the screen) IV. Evaluation





Week: 06 Period: 24

Date of preparing: 10/10/2021

D a t e o f t e a c h i n g : 1 3 / 1 0 / 2 0 2 1

(3A)             14/10/2021


(3B)       14/10/2021 (3C)             


Lesson 3 (1-6)  

I. OBJECTIVES 1. Knowledge:

- Pronounce the sounds of the letters f and s in the words five and six respectively.

- Listen and fill the gapped sentences with the words five and six. Say the chant How old are you?

- Sentence Patterns: Revision   - Vocabulary: Revision

2. Skills.

- Listening, reading, writing and speaking.

3. Core competencies & Personal qualities - Ss pronounce the sounds of the letters f and s

- Active participate in groups, ready to help their friends.


1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, books, computer, speaker.

2. Students’: Books, notebooks, workbooks.


Teacher and Student’s activities Contents

1. Warm up (5’)

- Ss count from one to ten

- T asks Ss sing a song “Let’s count from one to ten”

2. Presentation (30’) 2.1. Listen and repeat (5’)

Play the CD and have Ss repeat each line of the chant. Then change the role.

Focus Ss’ attention on the letters colored differently in the words five and six - Introduce the sounds /f/ and /s/      

- Have Ss practice the sounds carefully

- Play the CD and have Ss read the chant in chorus.

2.2. Listen and write.(5’)

Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the suitable words to fill in the blank.

- Play the recording 2 times pupils to listen and fill the blanks. Check their guess. Compare the answer with the partner.  

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers. T give the answer:


- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or groups for correction.

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text.

2.3. Let’s chant (5’)

Tell Ss that they are going to say the “ Is that Nam?” chant.

Have them read the chant and check comprehension.

Play the recording all through Ss listen and  follow in their books.

Play the recording again Ss listen and  read line by line.

Divide the class into2 groups .G1: read the questions, G2: read the answers.

Then exchange.

When they are familiar with the rhythm, show them how to say the chant and do the actions.

Get groups  of Ss to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing the actions. Get around and offer help, if necessary..

2.4. Read and match.(5’)

Show the chart and ask Ss to look.

Ask Ss to discuss how to do this task.

Ask them to work in group of 4.

Call on some group to give their answers.

Comment and correct the mistakes.

Give feedback .

2.5. Read and write.(5’)

- Have Ss open their books to page 29.

- Get Ss to identify the character in the pictures.

- Tell Ss that they are going to read and get information to write the missing words in the dialogue, using those from the frame on the top of the page.

- Ask Ss read individually and complete the dialogue.

- Ask Ss trade their answers within pairs or groups for correction.

- Ask 2-3 Ss to read their answers aloud to the class - Listen and give comments.

- Have the whole class repeat each line of the dialogue.

2.6. Project. 5’)

Ask Ss to talk to their best friend .write their names and ages.

How old are you,Hung?

I’m 8 years old Name

age Hung 8    



Get some Ss’ book to give mark.


4. Application (3’ )

- Pronounce the sounds of the letters f and s in the words 5. Summary( 2’)

In this lesson, Ss have reviewed about introducing someone . Develop reading and writing skills.

Have Ss to further practice at home and be ready next lesson: Unit 4 – lesson 1(1.2.3)  


1. Listen and repeat  


2. Listen and write.




3. Let’s chant  


4. Read and match.


5. Read and write  




6. Project IV. Evaluation





  Thứ 2, ngày 11/10/2021

       Tổ trưởng  ký duyệt  


       Đỗ Thị Hồng  


2. Kỹ năng ...

3. Thái độ ...


1. Công tác chuẩn bị của giáo viên

2. Yêu cầu chuẩn bị của học sinh




Tài liệu tham khảo

Tài liệu liên quan

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and match the information they hear to the pictures.. They should number

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear.. Guess

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear.. Guess

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear.. Guess

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear. Guess

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear.. Guess

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear.. Guess

Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and match the information they hear to the pictures.. They should number the