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Bài tập bồi dưỡng Tiếng anh lớp 10


Academic year: 2022

Chia sẻ "Bài tập bồi dưỡng Tiếng anh lớp 10"


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Sounds Letters Words Notes Sounds Letters Words Notes

Vowel sounds (nguyên âm) / t∫/ ch choice

/I/ i sit / k/ k kitchen

e pretty c concert

a village ch chemist

y happy q conquest

/i:/ ea lead / h/ h hike

ee meet wh whoop

/e/ e send Voiced consonants (phụ âm hữu thanh)

ea head / b/ b boy

a many / v/ v visit

/ æ/ a land f of

/o/ o pot // th them

a wash / d/ d done

/o:/ or fork ed lived

aw saw / z/ z zebra

// a cash s visit

u shut / Ʒ/ s vision

o some /dƷ/ g germ

ou tough / g/ g gift

/a:/ ar card /l/ l little

ear heart /m/ m monk

/u/ u pull /n/ n name

ou could / ŋ/ n think

oo good ng sing

/u:/ u pollution /r/ r rural

oe shoe /w/ w with

oo moon wh when

ui fruit /j/ j jam

/ ә/ er reader y young

or actor u music

/ з:/ er prefer /ф/ h honest

ir shirt k knight

ur hurt b comb

or word p pneumo

ear heard Clusters of consonants (chùm phụ âm)

Diphthongs (chùm nguyên âm) /s+/ /sp/ spray

/ ei/ a case /st/ start

ei eight /sk/ school

ai maid /sf/ sphere

ay say /sm/ small

/ ai/ i kite /sn/ snow

y sky /sw/ sweet

/ oi/ oi soil /sj/ super

oy employ /p+/ /pl/ plump

/ au/ ou mouse /pr/ proud

ow now /pj/ pure

/ әu/ o cold /t+/ /tr/ train



ow slow /tw/ twice

ew sew /tj/ tube

/ iә/ ear hear /k+/ /kl/ class

ere here /kr/ cream

/ eә/ ere there /kw/ quite

are fare /kj/ cure

air hair /b+/ /bl/ blow

/ uә/ our tour /br/ bring

/aiә/ ire tire /bj/ burial

yre tyre /g+/ /gl/ glass

yer buyer /gr/ grow

/ әuә/ ower slower /d+/ /dr/ dream

/ auә/ ower shower /dw/ dwell

our flour /dj/ duty

/ eiә/ ayer prayer /f+/ /fl/ flow

eyer greyer /fr/ fry

/ oiә/ oyer employer /fj/ furious

oyal loyal /+/ /r/ throw

Voiceless consonants (phụ âm vô thanh) /w/ thwart

/ p/ p pen Các kết

hợp khác

/vj/ view

/ f/ f five /mj/ mute

ph physics /∫r/ shrimp

gh laugh /nj/ nude

// th throw /spr/ spread

/ t/ t teach /spl/ splash

ed looked /skr/ scream

/ s/ s site /str/ stream

c centre /skj/ scuba

/∫/ sh sheep /stj/ student

ch machine /spj/ spume

s sugar /skw/ square


Find the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others of the same group.

1. A. candy B. sandy C. many D. handy

2. A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing

3. A. pays B. stays C. says D. plays

4. A. given B. risen C. ridden D. whiten

5. A. cough B. tough C. rough D. enough

6. A. accident B. jazz C. stamp D. watch

7. A. this B. thick C. maths D. thin

8. A. gas B. gain C. germ D. good

9. A. bought B. naught C. plough D. thought

10. A. forks B. tables C. beds D. windows

11. A. handed B. booked C. translated D. visited

12. A. car B. coach C. century D. cooperate

13. A. within B. without C. clothing D. strengthen

14. A. has B. bag C. dad D. made

15. A. kites B. catches C. oranges D. buzzes

16. A. student B. stupid C. study D. studio



17. A. wealth B. cloth C. with D. marathon

18. A. brilliant B. trip C. tripe D. tip

19. A. surgeon B. agent C. engine D. regard

20. A. feather B. leather C. feature D. measure

21. A. geology B. psychology C. classify D. photography

22. A. idiom B. ideal C. item D. identical

23. A. children B. child C. mild D. wild

24. A. both B. myth C. with D. sixth

25. A. helped B. booked C. hoped D. waited

26. A. name B. natural C. native D. nation

27. A. blood B. food C. moon D. pool

28. A. comb B. plumb C. climb D. disturb

29. A. thick B. though C. thank D. think

30. A. flour B. hour C. pour D. sour

31. A. dictation B. repetition C. station D. question

32. A. dew B. knew C. sew D. few

33. A. asked B. helped C. kissed D. played

34. A. smells B. cuts C. opens D. plays

35. A. decided B. hatred C. sacred D. warned

36. A. head B. break C. bread D. breath

37. A. blood B. tool C. moon D. spool

38. A. height B. fine C. tidy D. cliff

39. A. through B. them C. threaten D. thunder

40. A. fought B. country C. bought D. ought

41. A. moon B. pool C. door D. cool

42. A. any B. apple C. hat D. cat

43. A. book B. blood C. look D. foot

44. A. pan B. woman C. sad D. man

45. A. table B. lady C. labor D. captain

46. A. host B. most C. cost D. post

47. A. dear B. beard C. beer D. heard

48. A. work B. coat C. go D. know

49. A. name B. flame C. man D. fame

50. A. how B. town C. power D. slow

51. A. harm B. wash C. call D. talk

52. A. brought B. ought C. thought D. though

53. A. call B. curtain C. cell D. contain

54. A. measure B. decision C. pleasure D. permission

55. A. alone B. home C. go D. foul

56. A. timid B. tidy C. timer D. kite

57. A. trousers B. route C. shout D. amount

58. A. whisper B. waste C. husband D. inspiration

59. A. cleaned B. played C. snowed D. brushed

60. A. church B. chimney C. check D. cholera


Find the one whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.

1. A. paper B. tonight C. lecture D. story

2. A. money B. army C. afraid D. people

3. A. enjoy B. daughter C. provide D. decide

4. A. begin B. pastime C. finish D. summer



5. A. abroad B. noisy C. hundred D. quiet

6. A. passion B. aspect C. medium D. success

7. A. exist B. evolve C. enjoy D. enter

8. A. doctor B. modern C. corner D. Chinese

9. A. complain B. machine C. music D. instead

10. A. writer B. baker C. builder D. career

11. A. provide B. adopt C. happen D. inspire

12. A. result B. region C. river D. robot

13. A. constant B. basic C. irate D. obvious

14. A. become B. carry C. appoint D. invent

15. A. engine B. battle C. career D. rabies

16. A. attract B. destroy C. level D. occur

17. A. spaceship B. planet C. solar D. surround 18. A. brilliant B. daily C. extreme D. protein 19. A. appoint B. gather C. threaten D. vanish

20. A. button B. canal C. failure D. monster


Find the one whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group.

1. A. interesting B. surprising C. amusing D. successful 2. A. understand B. engineer C. benefit D. Vietnamese 3. A. applicant B. uniform C. yesterday D. employment 4. A. dangerous B. parachute C. popular D. magazine 5. A. beautifully B. intelligent C. redundancy D. discovery 6. A. comfortable B. employment C. important D. surprising 7. A. variety B. irrational C. industrial D. characterize 8. A. colorful B. equality C. dictionary D. vegetable 9. A. elegant B. regional C. musical D. important 10. A. difference B. suburban C. internet D. character 11. A. beautiful B. effective C. favorite D. popular 12. A. attraction B. government C. borrowing D. visit

13. A. difficulty B. individual C. population D. unemployment 14. A. biology B. redundancy C. interviewer D. comparative 15. A. conversation B. isolation C. traditional D. situation 16. A. capital B. tradition C. different D. opera 17. A. inventor B. physicist C. president D. gardener 18. A. biology B. interviewer C. redundancy D. America 19. A. encourage B. consider C. constitute D. inhabit 20. A. industry B. holiday C. adventure D. certainty


Find the word whose stress pattern is different from the others of the same group:

1. A. continue B. disappear C. imagine D. inhabit 2. A. altogether B. capacity C. eventually D. particular 3. A. professor B. digestion C. mechanic D. engine 4. A. mathematics B. biology C. experiment D. philosophy 5. A. evolution B. development C. discovery D. philosopher 6. A. another B. energy C. centigrade D. gravity 7. A. evaporate B. temperature C. impossible D. experiment 8. A. gravity B. professor C. pyramid D. remedy 9. A. abandon B. discover C. imagine D. satisfy 10. A. activity B. epidemic C. philosopher D. significance



11. A. disease B. humor C. cancer D. treatment

12. A. remedy B. exercise C. pollution D. surgery 13. A. pneumonia B. activity C. psychiatrist D. ordinary

14. A. persuade B. reduce C. offer D. apply

15. A. expression B. successful C. physical D. prevention

16. A. farmer B. farewell C. factory D. fairy

17. A. cattle B. country C. canal D. cover

18. A. money B. machine C. many D. mother

19. A. borrow B. agree C. await D. prepare

20. A. government B. condition C. parliament D. fortunate

21. A. paper B. police C. people D. purpose

22. A. interesting B. important C. increasing D. implying

23. A. element B. enormous C. animal D. elephant

24. A. damage B. destroy C. demand D. deny

25. A. biology B. intelligent C. environment D. infrastructure

26. A. ancient B. attack C. alive D. across

27. A. person B. purpose C. possess D. pirate

28. A. eternal B. enormous C. enemy D. Egyptian

29. A. ruler B. river C. retire D. rapid

30. A. revolution B. responsible C. renovation D. regulation

31. A. sentence B. suggest C. species D. system

32. A. bacteria B. dangerous C. government D. interesting

33. A. attack B. defeat C. believe D. happen

34. A. pyramid B. pharaoh C. animal D. possession

35. A. accompany B. responsibility C. environment D. parliament

36. A. provide B. improve C. contain D. borrow

37. A. cinema B. telephone C. department D. restaurant

38. A. design B. garage C. market D. village

39. A. exercise B. example C. holiday D. stadium

40. A. excellent B. exactly C. dangerous D. wonderful 41. A. beautiful B. elephant C. already D. usually

42. A. theatre B. unknown C. absence D. dinner

43. A. amuse B. imagine C. interest D. surprise 44. A. especially B. beautifully C. quickly D. lately 45. A. policeman B. performer C. engineer D. assistant

46. A. advice B. beauty C. picture D. postcard

47. A. prepare B. practice C. prevent D. provide

48. A. famous B. curious C. anxious D. delicious

49. A. vacation B. colleague C. pupil D. teacher

50. A. theatre B. career C. cinema D. gallery

51. A. picture B. business C. stranger D. return

52. A. museum B. cinema C. hospital D. concert

53. A. performance B. unknown C. visit D. confirm

54. A. yesterday B. tonight C. today D. tomorrow

55. A. memory B. article C. newspaper D. edition

56. A. sorry B. tractor C. police D. fireman

57. A. interest B. remember C. assemble D. resemble 58. A. policeman B. semester C. exercise D. attendance 59. A. vegetable B. interesting C. volleyball D. detective

60. A. homework B. lesson C. detect D. tennis

61. A. uncle B. machine C. rubber D. butter



62. A. every B. evening C. potato D. factory

63. A. produce B. money C. improve D. because

64. A. vegetable B. university C. Wednesday D. television

65. A. coffee B. farmer C. paper D. deliver

66. A. eleven B. elephant C. energy D. envelope

67. A. preparation B. decoration C. television D. exhibition

68. A. leather B. paper C. iron D. ceramics

69. A. mirror B. invent C. wallet D. engine

70. A. discovery B. calculator C. aero-plane D. difficulty 71. A. descendant B. environment C. ornamental D. delivery 72. A. resounding B. recompense C. reconcile D. recognize 73. A. difference B. deficit C. reference D. deficiency 74. A. devilish B. transparent C. glorify D. luxury 75. A. arithmetic B. aristocrat C. artificial D. argument 76. A. honorable B. intimacy C. participate D. interviewer 77. A. militarism B. infected C. eventual D. community 78. A. support B. colleague C. bilingual D. evaluate 79. A. apology B. apparent C. adverbial D. advocate 80. A. oblivious B. ferocious C. scandalous D. victorious 81. A. librarian B. respectable C. terrific D. terrorist 82. A. architect B. pioneer C. military D. principal 83. A. utterance B. attendance C. performance D. reluctance 84. A. ferocious B. adventure C. orient D. achievement 85. A. occurrence B. particular C. spectator D. preference

PRACTICE TEST (Phần II– Bài 1) Rewrite the sentences as suggested.

1. Mr. Minh often spends fifteen minutes leading the buffalo to the field.

 It often takes ____________________________________________________________

2. Quan always walk to school.

 Quan always goes ________________________________________________________

3. I found it a bit difficult to get into work this morning.

 Getting _________________________________________________________________

4. Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday.

 They __________________________________________________________________

5. I started to play the piano when I was six.

 I have __________________________________________________________________

6. I‟m in England for the first time in my life.

 This ___________________________________________________________________

7. The children are too young to see horror films.

 The children aren‟t _______________________________________________________

8. The children couldn‟t go swimming because the sea was rough.

 The sea was too __________________________________________________________

9. My father said I could use his car.

 My father allowed ________________________________________________________

10. Why don‟t you put your luggage under the seat?

He suggested ____________________________________________________________



7 Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. I‟ll finish the work tonight if you like.

 Would you like __________________________________________________________

2. The teacher didn‟t allow the class to leave before 4:30.

 The teacher made ________________________________________________________

3. We haven‟t seen him for over twenty years.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

4. We couldn‟t drive because of the fog.

 The fog ________________________________________________________________

5. It is the most interesting novel I‟ve ever read.

 I have __________________________________________________________________

6. Although she lived in difficult countries, she worked very hard.

 In spite of ______________________________________________________________

7. We haven‟t met since 1981.

 It was in 1981 that ________________________________________________________

8. I came to London ten years ago.

 I have __________________________________________________________________

9. They haven‟t seen their uncle for ten years.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

10. Steve started learning the violin a month ago.

Steve __________________________________________________________________

PRACTICE TEST (Phần II– Bài 3) Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. I haven‟t been to a Chinese restaurant for ages.

 It‟s age _________________________________________________________________

2. The last time Nancy came here was in 1986.

 Nancy hasn‟t ____________________________________________________________

3. It‟s a long time since our last conversation.

 We ____________________________________________________________________

4. “I think you should go by train.” He told us.

 He advised ______________________________________________________________

5. Julia cleaned the house. Then she went shopping.

 After __________________________________________________________________

6. Jim was travelling in Paris. He met his old friends there.

 While __________________________________________________________________

7. First Jane checked all the prices. Then she bought a new car.

 Jane bought _____________________________________________________________

8. Jack went to Vietnam in 2002. He returned home in 2005.

 Jack ___________________________________________________________________

9. They finished work and then left the office.

 They __________________________________________________________________

10. We started learning English about 5 years ago.

We‟ve _________________________________________________________________



8 Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. How much do you pay for this computer?

 How much does __________________________________________________________

2. The last time Joe heard from his family was in June.

 Joe hasn‟t ______________________________________________________________

3. How long have you been living in this new house?

 When __________________________________________________________________

4. This is my third visit to Hồ Chí Minh City.

 I have __________________________________________________________________

5. Jack wants to drive to work, but he doesn‟t have a car.

 If Jack _________________________________________________________________

6. We were late because of the heavy traffic.

 If it ____________________________________________________________________

7. Why don‟t you ask your teacher for advice?

 If I were ________________________________________________________________

8. I‟ll never see you again if you don‟t tell the truth.

 Unless _________________________________________________________________

9. This is James. He helped me solve that problem.

 James is ________________________________________________________________

10. The tea is so hot that I can‟t drink it.

The tea is _______________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

1. He is interested--- dancing.

A. at B. in C. by D. of

2. My mother is fed --- with doing the housework everyday.

A. up B. of C. on D. in

3. Children enjoy --- cartoons.

A. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch

4. I am afraid of --- alone in dark.

A. being left B. left C. to be interested D. interest 5. English people are --- in playing football.

A. interested B. interesting C. to be interested D. to be interesting 6. John hasnt got a job. He has to live on--- benefit.

A. employ B. employing C. unemployment D. employment 7. Shes proud of her ---.

A. successful B. success C. succeed D. succeeded 8. Anna cant get the job because there are too many --- for it.

A. engineers B. interviewers C. applicants D. workers 9. There are many --- ways to learn English vocabulary.

A. different B. differences C. differ D. differing 10. Nam stopped --- two years ago.

A. smoking B. smoke C. to smoke D. smoked 11. A --- storm has swept a hundred of houses away.

A. strong B. heavy C. hard D. long 12. My child would rather read books than --- anything else.

A. doing B. to do C. did D. do 13. My friend doesn't like asking her mother --- money.

A. to B. in C. for D. with 14. Mrs. Lan --- up being on a diet because it was not effective.

A. gives B. giving C. to give D. gave



15. Anna has just graduated from university. She wants to apply --- a suitable job.

A. at B. for C. to D. in 16. He is unemployment. He gets some unemployment ---.

A. salary B. card C. benefit D. currency 17. A long walk makes every body ---.

A. tired B. tiring C. to tire D. tire 18. My teacher is a --- smoker. He smokes 30 cigarettes a day.

A. much B. heavy C. many D. big 19. Her parents can't stand --- her at home all day.

A. to see B. see C. seeing D. seen 20. I am tired --- watching the same program every day.

A. in B. on C. with D. of 21. While she ---, the phone rang.

A. was cooking B. cooked C. cooking D. cook 22. My mother is used to --- a speaker.

A. to be B. being C. have been D. been 23. She doesn't have time to go shopping because she's too --- with her work

A. busy B. bored C. get up D. tired 24. His roof was broken by a --- wind two weeks ago.

A. hard B. big C. strong D. much 25. He has learned English for 4 years, and she is good --- English now

A. by B. at C. for D. in PRACTICE TEST (Phần II– Bài 5)

Supply the articles (a, an, or the) if they are necessary. If no article is needed, leave the space blank.

1. Jason‟s father bought him_____ bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday.

2. _____ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from France to_____ United States.

3. Rita is studying_____ English and_____ math this semester.

4. Please give me _____ cup of _____ coffee with_____ cream and _____ sugar.

5._____ big books on_____ table are for my history class.

6. When you go to _____ store, please buy_____ bottle of_____ chocolate milk and_____ dozen oranges.

7. John and Mary went to_____ school yesterday and then studied in_____ library before returning home.

8. There are only_____ few seats left for_____ tonight‟s musical at_____ university.

9. _____ Lake Erie is one of_____ five Great Lakes in_____ North America.

10. What did you eat for_____ breakfast this morning?

11. Louie played_____ basketball and_____ baseball at_____ Boy‟s Club this year.

12. Rita plays_____ violin and her sister plays_____ guitar.

13. David attended_____ Princeton University.

14. Harry has been admitted to_____ School of Medicine at_____ Midwestern university.

15. Phil can‟t go to_____ movies tonight because he has to write_____ essay.

16. Last night there was _____ singing outside my house.

17. _____ chair which you are sitting in is broken.

18._____ Florida State University is smaller than_____ University of Florida.

19. Scientists sent_____ expedition to_____ Mars during_____ 1990s.

20. Mel‟s grandmother is in_____ hospital, so we went to visit her_____ last night.

21. I‟m on night duty. When you go to _____ bed, I go to _____ work.

22. Sorry, I can‟t find the number. I remember writing it on _____ back of an envelope.

23. _____ gold is perhaps _____ most highly treasured metal.

24. _____ Mekong River is _____ longest river in _____ Vietnam.

25. _____ winter is usually cold, but ______winter of this year is warm.

26. _____ money you gave me is not enough to buy _____ bicycle.

27. Look at _____ sun. It is rising.

28. We watch television after _____ dinner.

29. Mr. Brown bought _____ new car _____ last week.


10 30. He usually travels to _____ Philadelphia by _____ train.

31. Miss Linda speaks _____ Chinese very well although she is from _____ UK.

32. _____ swimming is _____ good sport.

33. Please open _____ door.

34. _____ United States is _____ world‟s biggest consumer of energy.

35. Peter likes to play _____ volleyball, but he is not _____ good player.

36. My daughter is learning to play _____ violin at _____ school.

37. I told Mom we would be _____ home in _____ hour or so.

38. You can see _____ moon in _____ sky at _____ night.

39. _____ her children play in _____ street all day.

40. _____ blue is _____ color I like.

41. _____ January is _____ first month of the year.

42. You frequently see this kind of violence on _____ television.

43. _____ AIDS is _____ incurable disease.

44. Not everyone believes that _____ technology has improved _____ quality of people‟s lives.

45. Would you show me _____ shortest way to_____ airport?


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

1. It is estimated that about 640 women remain illiterate in _____ world, mostly in developing countries.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

2. Did you read _____ book I lent you _____ last week.

A. a / the B. the / the C. the / X D. X / X 3. I went by _____ train to _____ West of England.

A. X / a B. X / the C. X / X D. the / the 4. We visited Canada and _____ United States.

A. an B. a C. X D. the

5. I fell in _____ love with him because of his kind nature.

A. a B. the C. X D. an

6. _____ schooling is compulsory in Australia between _____ ages of six and seventeen.

A. The / X B. A / an C. X / the D. The / an 7. In _____ most social situations , _____ informality is appreciated.

A. X / X B. the / an C. a / the D. the / a

8. _____ love is _____ very strong feeling of affection towards someone who you are romantically attracted to.

A. The / the B. The / X C. A / the D. X / a 9. London is _____ of England.

A. a capital B. capital C. one capital D. the capital 10. Do you know exactly_____ number of Siberian tigers in China?

A. a B. an C. the D. X

11. It is estimated that only 1,000 pandas remain in_____ wild.

A. a B. an C. the D. X

12._____ friend in need is_____ friend indeed.

A. The/ the B. A/ a C. X/ X D. X/ the 13. What is your_____ biggest dream in_____ life?

A. X/ X B. the/ a C. the/ the D. a/ the 14. Did you have_____ good time at the party last night?

A. a B. an C. the D. X

15. The local authorities are conducting_____ campaign to help_____ disabled.

A. a/ the B. the/ X C. X/ X D. X/ the PRACTICE TEST (Phần II– Bài 6) Supply the appropriate preposition to each of the following blanks.


11 1. We give each other presents _____ Christmas.

2. Don‟t sit _____ the floor.

3. I‟m going away _____ the end of January.

4. I met Tom _____ the street yesterday.

5. They sent me a cheque _____ $ 50.

6. There has been some decrease _____ military spending this year.

7. Nobody knows what the cause _____ the explosion was.

8. Do you think we‟ll find a solution _____ this problem?

9. Have you ever read any books _____ Mark Twain?

10. It‟s unreasonable ____ you to expect her to love you at first sight.

11. They were furious _____ me _____ not inviting them to the party.

12. Were you disappointed _____ your examination results?

13. Everybody was shocked _____ the news.

14. She is scared _____ going out alone.

15. I‟m not ashamed _____ what I did.

16. My sister won‟t have dinner _____ 11.30 p.m.

17. She is engaged _____ an American.

18. Who was responsible _____ all the noise last night?

19. Your writing is similar _____ mine.

20. Ann wasn‟t keen _____ going out in the rain.

21. The city centre was crowded _____ tourists.

22. I always try my best to get along _____ other officers.

23. Why don‟t you apply _____ a position in that company?

24. He is very selfish. He doesn‟t care _____ other people.

25. Don‟t look out of the window. Concentrate _____ your work!

26. He lost control of the car and crashed _____ a wall.

27. He was the sort of person that you could depend_____.

28. Did you hear _____ the fight in the club on Saturday night?

29. She‟s very old. She needs someone to look _____ her.

30. He often dreams _____ travelling to America.

31. I didn‟t have enough money to pay _____ the meal.

32. He has suffered _____ lung cancer for ages.

33. He shouted _____ from the other side of the street.

34. The police are searching _____ the escaped prisoner.

35. That‟s a good idea. Why didn‟t I think _____ that?

PRACTICE TEST (Phần II– Bài 6) Choose the best answer to complete the sentence.

01. Only in Japan ____ the high levels of western countries.

A. industrialization has reached B. industrialization is reached C. has industrialization reached D. is industrialization reached 02. Nowadays children would prefer history ______ in more practical ways.

A. be taught B. to teach C. to be taught D. teach 03. Hurry up! They‟ve only got_____ seats left.

A. a little B. a few C. a lot of D. plenty of

04. ____of the students know the answer to that question.

A. Most B. Almost C. Mostly D. The most 05. We decided not to travel, ____ the terrible weather forecast.

A. having heard B. we heard C. having been heard D. being heard 06. _____for their strong fiber include flax and hemp.

A. Plants are grown B. Plants grown C. Plants that grow D. To grow plants


12 07. I think you must be _____me for someone else.

A. confusing B. reminding C. mistaking D .considering 08. „John won‟t come tomorrow.‟ „Did he say he ____next week?‟

A. will come B. would come C. is coming D. had come

09. Pests occur in large numbers, and they can ____terrible damage, particularly to growing crops, that in some parts of the world people frequently suffer from famine.

A. do such B. do so C. make such D. make so 10. The new magazine about maintenance _____tomorrow.

A. comes down B. comes off C. comes on D. comes out

PRACTICE TEST (Phần III– Bài 1) Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. Mexico City is more densely populated than Tokyo.

 Tokyo is not ____________________________________________________________

2. Sydney is larger than any other city in Australia.

 Sydney is _______________________________________________________________

3. China has the largest population in the world.

 There are _______________________________________________________________

4. The book really interests me.

 I ______________________________________________________________________

5. They didn‟t go fishing because it was too cold.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

6. When did you start learning English?

 How long _______________________________________________________________

7. I‟m sorry I was so rude to you yesterday.

 I apologize ______________________________________________________________

8. People say she is an honest and reliable person.

 It is ___________________________________________________________________

9. It took me two hours to do my homework.

 I ______________________________________________________________________

10. He left school and then joined the army.

After he ________________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

01. They have grown roses here--- 1990.

A. for B. since C. during D. in 02. You'll miss the train --- you don't hurry up.

A. if B. When C. since D. unless 03. He is my --- brother. But he looks younger than me

A. elder B. older C. old D. young 04. It took me forty five minutes to --- to office everyday

A. getting B. get C. get D. got 05. I don't mind living --- my own in a big city

A. with B. by C. at D. on 06. If you hear the fire ______, leave the building quickly.

A. alarm B. caution C. notice D. publicity 07. She remembered the correct address only _______she had posted the letter.



A. since B. afterwards C. following D. after 08. Children enjoy --- cartoon film.

A. watch B. watching C. watched D. to watch

09. I am afraid of --- alone in dark.

A. being left B. left C. leaving D. to leave

10. Over the past two years the _______of living has risen considerably.

A. charge B. cost C. rate D. price

11. He told his father a long and _______story to explain his lateness.

A. inconceivable B. incredulous C. unimaginable D. unconvincing 12. We need _______information before we can decide.

A. further B. furthest C. far D. farther 13. Women workers wear hats in _______their hair gets caught in the machinery.

A. course B. case C. occasion D. event 14. There are many --- ways to learn English vocabulary.

A. different B. differences C. differ D. differing

15. I don‟t mind living--- my own in a big city.

A. with B. by C. at D. on

16. She was filling in the --- form.

A. applicant B. application C. apply D. appliance 17. It was --- to listen to the story .

A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excitement

18. My brother and my sister have many---.

A. different B. difference C. differ D. differences 19. It was --- to see my old friends again.

A. surprised B. surprise C. surprisingly D. surprising 20. Mr. Brown gave a long --- about unemployment in Australia.

A. lectures B. lecturing C. lectured D. lecture

PRACTICE TEST (Phần III– Bài 2) Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. What is your date of birth?

 When __________________________________________________________________

2. When Minh was small, he usually slept with his brother.

 Minh used ______________________________________________________________

3. It‟s three years since I started using this bicycle.

 I have __________________________________________________________________

4. No one has ever answered the questions.

 These questions __________________________________________________________

5. Julia is talking with a dump man.

 The man who ____________________________________________________________

6. I‟ve arranged to meet Mr. Trung tomorrow evening.

 I‟m ____________________________________________________________________

7. He was in the habit of getting up very late.

 He used ________________________________________________________________

8. He is talking to the girl with long hair.

 The girl whom ___________________________________________________________

9. “You‟d better go to see the doctor immediately.”

 She advised _____________________________________________________________

10. They want to buy a bigger house but they don‟t have enough money.

 If they _________________________________________________________________




Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

01. Mt. Everest is --- highest peak of --- Himalayas.

A. a/ the B. the/ a C. the/ nothing D. the/ the 02. Nothing in your room --- since you were sent to the hospital.

A. have been moved B. has been moved C. have moved D. has moved 03. Water plays a vital --- in developing agriculture.

A. part B. importance C. vision D. character 04. The weather in the South of Vietnam seems --- than --- in the North.

A. more pleasant/ it B. more pleasant/ that C. pleasant/ the weather D. more pleasant/ those 05. It‟s more --- to use gas instead of electricity to warm up the house.

A. economy B. economic C. economical D. economist 06. Ha Long is a place--- is good for sightseeing

A. it B. which C. what D. its

07. It is his return--- made her happy

A. which B. this C. that D. it

08. He is 59 years old. He--- next year.

A. is going to retire B. retires C. retired D. has retired 09. A dictionary is a book--- explains words.

A. what B. it C. its D. which

10. British Isles


by speakers of Celtic language two thousand years ago.

A. inhabited B. are inhabited C. were inhabited D. were inhabiting 11. He is from Tokyo. He speaks---.

A. Japan B. Tokyo C. Japanese D. Chinese

12. He wore dark glasses so that nobody could--- him.

A. recognize B. recognition C. recognized D. recognizable 13. Modern English is different--- old English.

A. of B. in C. from D. on

14. It is necessary to learn a foreign---.

A. tongue B. story C. country D. language

15. He arrived in Singapore ________ Monday evening.

A. in B. from C. on D. at 16. Unless we hurry, we‟ll ______ the bus.

A. miss B. remember C. catch D. get in 17. I wish I ________ here longer, but it‟s time for me to go home.

A. stay B. can stay C. will stay D. could stay 18. We are going to watch “The English language” program______ will be on at 8 p.m

A. it B. what C. which D. they

19. It‟s the flood --- sweeps away the house

A. that B. this C. these D. those

20. English--- by about 700 million people around the world.

A. is been spoken B. is going to spoken C. is spoken D. will spoken 21. Would you mind ________ me your address?

A. telling B. tell C. to tell D. told 22. I won‟t write ______ him after finishing this test.

A. for B. to C. from D. A or B 23. I like the work which is easy---.

A. doing B. to do C. done D. for do

24. Chinese is the only language with more--- than English

A. speakers B. persons C. pupils D. many adults

25. They are interested in practicing---.

A. France B. Spain C. English D. Russia



PRACTICE TEST (Phần III– Bài 3) Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. She is exhausted today because she didn‟t get any sleep last night.

 She wouldn‟t ____________________________________________________________

2. The fire destroyed the forest completely.

 The forest ______________________________________________________________

3. I didn‟t go to school on time this morning because the bus was late.

 If the bus _______________________________________________________________

4. You can‟t visit the USA unless you get a visa.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

5. “Can I borrow your typewriter, Janet?” asked Peter.

 Peter asked if ____________________________________________________________

6. She started working as a secretary five years ago.

 She has ________________________________________________________________

7. My French friend finds driving on the left difficult.

 My French friend ________________________________________________________

8. We didn‟t go on holiday because we didn‟t have enough money.

 If we __________________________________________________________________

9. The children couldn‟t go swimming because of the rough sea.

 The sea was too __________________________________________________________

10. I‟m always nervous when I travel by car.

Travelling ______________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

1. Whenever he has free time, he goes swimming. Swimming is his______ pastime.

A. favor B. favorable C. favored D. favorite

2. Children______ eating sweets.

A. want B. like C. need D. prefer

3. Young people hate______, they prefer making questions.

A. ask B. asking C. be asked D. being asked

4. Your sister will be ill if she doesn‟t stop ______ so much.

A. to worry B. worry C. worried D. worrying 5. The word “fishing” in “Fishing is his favorite pastime” is a(n)______.

A. noun B. pronoun C. gerund D. adjective

6. He loves______ lies, that‟s why we call him “a liar”.

A .telling B. saying C. speaking D. talking

7. The word “stopped” in “He stopped smoking 5 years ago” can be replaced by______.

A. took up B. came up C. picked up D. gave up

8. She‟s thirsty. She‟d like______ a cold drink.

A. have B. having C. to have D. to having

9. She never gets up late. She‟s used to______ up early.

A. get B. getting C. gets D. got

10. One of those______ from Japan.

A. students are B. student are C. students is D. student is 11. Among those, I like the red one______.

A. more B. best C. better D. much

12. We‟ve got very______ milk left.



A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

13. He has been in hospital______ last Tuesday.

A. for B. when C. from D. since

14. I don‟t really like An, but this time I‟d like ______ him.

A. to meet B. meet C. met D. meeting

15. The science classes at this______ difficult.

A. schools are B. school are C. school is D. schools is 16. Be quiet! I______ to listen to some important information.

A. was trying B. am trying C. try D. tried

17. The teacher made us______ hard for the final examination.

A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learnt

18. Neither Bill nor Norris______ going to the play tonight.

A. was B. were C. are D. is

19. He used ______ on time. But this time he is terribly late.

A. arriving B. arrive C. to arrive D. to arriving

20. He found______ to live on his unemployment benefit.

A. it B. its C. it‟s D. it is

21. My hobby is watching the whole city from the______.

A. sky-lift B. skywalk C. skydiver D. skydiving

22. Kangaroos are merely found in______.

A. Asia B. America C. Australia D. Austria

23. Opera, Jazz and Pop are sorts of______.

A. music B. musical C. musician D. musicology

24. There are many thieves in the town. Remember ______ the door before you go out.

A. lock B. locking C. to lock D. locked

25. Jane has to live on her unemployment benefit. She is now______.

A. out of work B. out of order C. out of date D. out of office PRACTICE TEST (Phần III– Bài 4)

Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. Although he had a good salary, he was unhappy in his job.

 In spite of ______________________________________________________________

2. They haven‟t cleaned the streets this week.

 The streets ______________________________________________________________

3. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.

 Apples are not ___________________________________________________________

4. I advised you to put your money in the bank.

 You‟d _________________________________________________________________

5. The restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.

 It was such ______________________________________________________________

6. John only understood very little of what the teacher said.

 John could hardly ________________________________________________________

7. I haven‟t been to Bristol for 3 years.

 The last time ____________________________________________________________

8. Jim will be eighteen next week.

 It‟s Jim‟s _______________________________________________________________

9. How long is it since they bought the house ?

 When __________________________________________________________________


17 10. He couldn‟t repair the broken vase.

The ___________________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

01. He says he‟s been to______ restaurant in Viet Tri town.

A. all B. most C. every D. many

02. The ability to work well for long hours is his______.

A. length B. width C. height D. strength

03. It is the English pronunciation that______ a lot of difficulties to Vietnamese pupils.

A. makes B. causes C. does D. gets

04. I had no difficulty______ to your English.

A. listen B. to listen C. to listening D. listening 05. I______ her as soon as she entered the room.

A. recognized B. had recognized C. could recognized D. did recognized 06. You should______ to your uncle fore being rude to him.

A. forgive B. apologize C. excuse D. regret

07. The rocket went into______ round the moon.

A. track B. orbit C. path D. circle

08. She took______ of the fine weather to do a day‟s work in her garden.

A. chance B. interest C. advantage D. charge

09. Long speeches are really______.

A. bore B. boring C. bored D. to bored

10. You shouldn‟t______ him all the time.

A. teased B. tease C. teases D. teasing

11. We won‟t have to import electricity if the solar energy is ______ used.

A. large B. widely C. widen D. width 12. Mark Twain is the ______ name of Samuel Longhorn Clemens.

A. pen B. new C. career D. writer

13. His friend __ him a lot in his career. Without their support, he would not have been successful.

A. told B. encourage C. taught D. complained 14. He often tells me something about his village______ he was born and grew up.

A. which B. who C. where D. that 15. This is the man who ______ me English.

A. teach B. teaches C. are teaching D. were teaching 16. He ______ in love with her picture even before he met her.

A. falls B. has fallen C. fell D had fallen 17. Hanoi is the city in ______ he was born.

A. where B. which C. that D. who 18. This house is an old one ______ was built long time ago.

A. which B. where C. who D. whose 19. Mark Twain‟s last book was written in 1909, one year before his ______.

A. died B. dead C. death D. dying 20. His wife had great influence ______ his books.

A. in B. at C. for D. on 21. James Watt was the ______ of the steam engine.

A. writer B. inventor C. engineer D. worker 22. I live in a house ______ has four rooms.

A. which B. where C. in which D. it 23. ______ we can find new sources of energy, our life will come to an end.

A. unless B. when C. if D. B or C



24. The two books provide us ______ an excellent picture of his era.

A. about B. with C. for D. to 25. Shakespeare ______ Hamlet in 1600 and 1601.

A. writes B. has written C. wrote D. had written PRACTICE TEST (Phần III– Bài 5)

Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. I‟ve never met such a famous person before.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

2. It was so late that nothing could be done.

 It was too _______________________________________________________________

3. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.

 We ____________________________________________________________________

4. The bus takes longer than the train.

 The train _______________________________________________________________

5. The train couldn‟t run because of the snow.

 The snow _______________________________________________________________

6. I haven‟t seen that man here before.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

7. The furniture was so expensive that I didn‟t buy it.

 The furniture ____________________________________________________________

8. He learned to drive when he was eighteen.

 He has _________________________________________________________________

9. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.

 In spite of ______________________________________________________________

10. The cake was so hard that I couldn‟t eat it.

It was __________________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

1. It‟s the pronunciation that causes me a lot of---.

A. difficult B. difficulty C. difficully D. difficulties 2. If you place a bowl of water in the sun, it will ______.

A. evaporate B. evaporated C. evaporator D. evaporation 3. --- 350 million people speak English as their first language

A. Approximaty B. Approximately C. Approximation D. Approximate 4. “Gone with the wind” was--- by Mrs. Margaret Mitchell

A. written B. read C. designed D. drawn

5. World population will continue to rise if we do not try ______ it.

A. to increase B. lower C. to reduce D. reducing 6. I did all the work--- my own

A. by B. on C. for D. at

7. Every Sunday my father spends three hours--- English

A. practice B. to practice C. practiced D. practicing 8. I have learned English for 3 years, and I am good--- English now.

A. in B. for C. by D. at

9. Hoa‟s brother enjoys--- to ghost stories at night.

A. telling and listening B. tell and listen C. listen D. to tell



10. Mr. Minh has known me______ he left Ha Noi national university.

A. until B. since C. when D. during

11. How______ is that hotel?

A. long B. length C. high D. height

12. How much does this hat______?

A. pay B. spend C. fix D. cost

13. The exhibition______ place once a year.

A. does B. has C. takes D. makes

14. ______ Sundays, I often go fishing with my father.

A. in B. on C. over D. for

15. It is______ to drive without a driving license in Viet Nam.

A. good B. danger C. dangerously D. dangerous

16. Would you like him______?

A. coming B. to come C. come D. came

17. My mother can play a lot of______ instruments.

A. music B. musical C. musician D. musically

18. The girl spoke with a______ accent.

A. southern B. southwards C. south D. southbound

19. What‟s the ______ of Viet Nam?

A. popular B. populate C. populous D. population

20. The bus takes______ than the train.

A. more long B. the longest C. longer D. long PRACTICE TEST (Phần IV– Bài 1)

Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it.

 The water was not ________________________________________________________

2. Somebody repaired her car yesterday.

 She ____________________________________________________________________

3. They will catch all the prisoners again by tonight.

 All the prisoners _________________________________________________________

4. I started to work for the company a year ago.

 I have __________________________________________________________________

5. Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes.

 If Susan ________________________________________________________________

6. Although he didn‟t speak Dutch, Bob decided to settle in Amsterdam.

 In spite of ______________________________________________________________

7. How long have Catherine and Henry been engaged?

 When __________________________________________________________________

8. In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs 7 miles before breakfast.

 Although _______________________________________________________________

9. The bread is so stale that we can‟t eat it.

 The bread isn‟t __________________________________________________________

10. The zoo keeper feed lions at 3 p.m every day.

The lions _______________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

01. M. Faraday didn‟t have much ______ when he was young.



A. school B. scholar C. schooled D. schooling

02. A person who studies biology is a ______ .

A. scientist B. physicist C. biologist D. mathematician

03. Einstein, _____ study of the theory of relativity made him famous, was a German physicist.

A. whose B. whom C. who D. by whom

04. Most of the experiments are carried out in ______.

A. schools B. libraries C. factories D. laboratories

05. He was very good _____ mathematics when he was at school.

A. on B. of C. at D. for

06. The steam engine was _____ by J. Watt.

A. discovered B. invented C. cured D. made

07. When he grew older, he became _____ in mathematics and physics.

A. interested B. interest C. interesting D. interests 08. That‟s the house ______ uncle Ho was born.

A. which B. where C. of which D. that

09. Darwin was the father of the theory of _____ .

A. relativity B. gravitation C. evolution D. electricity 10. When ______ , Newton was more of a mechanic than a scholar.

A. he was young B. was young C. be young D. he is young 11. He was not interested in physics _____ he grew older.

A. when B. and C. even D. until

12. He died ______ the age of 85.

A. for B. at C. in D. about

13. Faraday‟s father worked very _____, but he could ____ feed the family.

A. hard/ hard B. hardly/ hard C. hard/ hardly D. hardly/ hardly 14. It was Professor H. Davy‟s lectures _____ helped Faraday a lot in his later discoveries.

A. that B. which C. who D. whose

15. Scientists and doctors haven‟t found the ____ for AIDS.

A. curable B. curability C. cure D. curing

16. Gravity is the force of the earth to ______ everything towards its center.

A. attractive B. attract C. attraction D. distract 17. He‟ll go with us ______ it rains.

A. if B. when C. as long as D. unless 18. We could visit Mercury – an outer space planet - in a ______.

A. spaceship B. ship C. plane D. train 19. Mercury can be seen______ after sunrise ______ soon after sunset.

A. neither /nor B. either /or C. not only /but also D. none of A, B and C 20. You won‟t pass your driving test unless you drive more ______.

A. carelessly B. dangerously C. A or B D. carefully 21. The sea lever will rise if the ice on the poles ______ to melt.

A. began B. begin C. start D. begins 22. A journey which takes place every month is a ______ journey.

A. daily B. weekly C. monthly D yearly 23. ______ you phone me when you come to England?

A. Do B. Have C. Will D. Would 24. Liverpool won‟t win unless they begin ______ better.

A. playing B. played C. having played D. play 25. Life will be destroyed ______ all our sources end.

A. as long as B. unless C. if D. whether PRACTICE TEST (Phần IV– Bài 2)


21 Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. We got lost because we didn‟t have a map.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

2. The bridge was so low that the bus couldn‟t go under it.

 It was __________________________________________________________________

3. I last saw him when I was a student.

 I haven‟t _______________________________________________________________

4. It‟s a six–hour drive from London to Edinburgh.

 It takes _________________________________________________________________

5. It‟s ages since Alan visited his parents.

 Alan ___________________________________________________________________

6. Mr. Will lost his job because he was late every day.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

7. The police made the youth empty his pocket.

 The youth ______________________________________________________________

8. Lawrence hasn‟t seen his sister since she left for Japan.

 Lawrence last ___________________________________________________________

9. John is fat because he eats so many chips.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

10. If Joe doesn‟t change his way, he will end up in prison.

Unless _________________________________________________________________


Choose one word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D that best complete the preceding sentence.

1. Columbus ______ America in 1492.

A. invented B. found C. discovered D. saw 2. A driver is a person who ______.

A. drives a car B. sells cars C. has a car D. makes cars 3. A singer is a person who ______.

A. composes music B. writes songs C. sings well D. drives well 4. Most of the ______ in my school are under 30 years old.

A. teachers B. workers C. artists D. farmers 5. Darwin, ______ was an English physiologist, was born in 1809 and died in 1882.

A. which B. that C. who D. where 6. Is there anything ______ I can do for you?

A. where B. that C. who D. which 7. Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn ______ Twain‟s best works.

A. consider B. considered C. is considered D. are considered 8. He is working ______ a taxi-driver.

A. at B. as C. to D. in 9. A person who spends his/her whole life writing books is a ______.

A. writer B. teacher C. singer D. worker 10. G. Washington, ______ was the first president of the USA, was born in 1732 and died in 1799.

A. that B. who C. where D. which 11. He dropped the vase and it broke ______ pieces.

A. into B. down C. off D. in 12. When we travel in the streets, pay attention to traffic______.

A. sighs B. sights C. scenes D. signs 13. I am on a diet. I want to______ .



A. over weighted B. lose weight C. gain weight D. get fatter 14. Faraday is the great ______of all time.

A. scientific B. scientism C. scientist D. science 15. Mathematics______ an important part in our lives.

A. lets B. plays C. applies D. lays 16. The driver stopped______ a coffee because he felt sleepy.

A. have B. to have C. having D. had 17. Have you ever considered______ a pharmacist?

A .to become B. become C. became D. becoming 18. I would rather ______ at home than ______ out with him.

A. stay/ go B. staying/going C. stayed/went D. to stay/to go 19. She suggested ______ a break for a while.

A. took B. take C. taking D. taken 20. It is likely that everybody ______ at the age of 45.

A. retires B. retired C. are retiring D. will retire PRACTICE TEST (Phần IV– Bài 3)

Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. Having a vacation abroad is interesting.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

2. The water was so cold that the children could not take a swim.

 The water wasn‟t _________________________________________________________

3. It‟s two months since I last spoke to her.

 I haven‟t _______________________________________________________________

4. “Turn down the radio, Nam.” his father said.

 Nam‟s father ____________________________________________________________

5. Lan will be seventeen next week.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

6. How long is it since you bought the car?

 When __________________________________________________________________

7. Nam began to collect stamps in 2000.

 Nam has _______________________________________________________________

8. We have lived here for 15 years.

 We started ______________________________________________________________

9. English and French are spoken in Canada.

 People _________________________________________________________________

10. They are going to invite Nam to dinner.

Nam ___________________________________________________________________


1. Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of the sentence.

01: I had a row with my boss and had to quit the job.

A. quarreled B. debated C. discussed D. ignored

02: Women liberated from child care can pursue their own interests.

A. leisure with B. having fun with C. freed from D. burdened with 03: Lee doesn‟t like conventional dressing. She prefers something modern and shocking.

A. social B. new C. old D. traditional

04: The film is not worth seeing. The plot is too dull.



A. slow B. simple C. complicated D. boring

05: I have to take up my dress. I step on it all the time.

A. make it longer B. embellish C. shorten D. try on

2. Choose the right word or phrases to complete the following sentences.

06: She resented ________ waiting for hours in front of the cinema.

A. being kept B. to be kept C. being keeping D. keeping 07: “Which is more important, luck or effort?” - “Luck is ________ effort”

A. of the same importance B. of the same importance as C. as the same important as D. the same importance as 08: One purpose ______ to make up for money spent in the French and Indian War.

A. of the Stamp Act B. of the Stamp Act was

C. of the Stamp Act which was D. the Stamp Act

09: The selection and welfare of staff is the responsibility of the ________department.

A. personated B. personnel C. personal D. personality

10: These instructions are ________ easy for beginners. All you have to do is listen carefully.

A. relatively B. frequently C. virtually D. hardly

11: _______ saying was so important that I asked everyone to stop talking and listen.

A. What the woman was B. The woman was C. What was the woman D. That the woman was 12: Although drama is a form of literature, ________ from the other types in the way it is presented.

A. is different B. but it is different C. it differs D. despite the difference 13: She spoke quietly to him _______ someone hear a word of their conversation.

A. so that B. in order that C. for fear that D. for fear of 14: It is ________ for me to see you go away for a year.

A. undeniable B. incompetent C. unbearable D. intolerant 15: You look rather _______. Are you worried about something?

A. occupied B. preoccupying C. preoccupied D. occupant

PRACTICE TEST (Phần IV– Bài 4) Rewrite sentences using given words.

1. I can‟t cook as well as my mother does.

 My mother ______________________________________________________________

2. He wrote the letter in two hours.

 It _____________________________________________________________________

3. It was such hot tea that I couldn‟t drink it.

 The tea _________________________________________________________________

4. Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.

 Because of ______________________________________________________________

5. Unless you water the flowers everyday, they will die.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

6. I have studied English for 3 years.

 I began _________________________________________________________________

7. She didn‟t take your advice, so she failed in the exam.

 If _____________________________________________________________________

8. We spend our childhood in that beautiful mountain resort and we always remember.

 We always remember _____________________________________________________

9. The cake was so bad that I couldn‟t eat it.

 It‟s ____________________________________________________________________

Tài liệu tham khảo

Tài liệu liên quan

Complete the sentences, using given words/ rewrite the sentences beginning as shown.. Writing 2

Rewrite the sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, using the words given.. The play was

Rewrite the following sentences so that their meaning stays the same, using the words give.. The distance from my house to school is about

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Universities Australia không có yêu cầu đầu vào hoặc giới hạn về địa điểm, sinh viên có thể linh hoạt học tại nhà trong bất kỳ hoặc tất cả bốn giai đoạn nghiên cứu

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Ex4: Viết lại thành câu hoàn chỉnh 1 - Nha Trang is smaller than Ha Noi city.. 2 - Life in Da Nang is more expensive than life in