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21st Century Internships


Academic year: 2022

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In 21st Century Internships – How to get a job before graduation, authors David Shindler and Mark Babbitt take a no-nonsense look at the importance of internships to your early career; developing soft skills that go far beyond what could have been learned in the classroom; and the impact of practical experience on your ability to become highly employable. The advice, from the perspective of two experts widely recognized for their mentorship and impactful career advice, makes 21st Century Internships - How to Land a Job Before Graduation a must-have book for post-secondary students, recent graduates, young professionals - and the career professionals and mentors who guide them.

What is an internship?

However, shorter project-based internships are becoming more common, as are traditional and virtual internships that can last longer than the typical 10 to 13 weeks.

Why are internships important?

Done right, taking into account the intern's professional development and the company's mission, an internship is often the proverbial "win-win."

Timing of an internship

How many internships should I complete?

When attending full-time classes: take no more than one 10-15 hour placement per week;. Winter break: Complete a project internship lasting no more than 4 to 6 weeks; if you want to spend time with your family, consider a virtual internship.

When should I apply?

If you find an open internship that intrigues you, research the company, adjust your CV/. When you present yourself as a confident and competent candidate, and you have the skills that match the recruiter's needs, you've given yourself the best chance of getting an interview.

What do employers really want?

Most importantly, you are passionate about our organization's mission...and can you help us move that mission forward. Take the initiative, feel and see how you make the task – and the company – better. You must be able to listen well - and confidently ask good questions; the kind that elicited thoughtful response.

Being able to work effectively in different linguistic or cultural environments - and in groups of different generations and team members with different skills, work styles and values ​​- is more than marketable. The secret is to "sell" what you're good at right now - and articulate a willingness to learn those skills you haven't mastered yet.

How to find your internship

Choosing the right internship for you

The internship, even though it includes the actual operation of the employer's facilities, is similar to training that would be conducted in an educational setting; The trainee does not displace permanent employees, but works under close supervision of existing staff. The employer providing the training does not benefit directly from the trainee's work; and sometimes activities may even be hindered;

The intern is not necessarily entitled to a job at the end of the internship; and 6. The employer and the trainee understand that the trainee is not entitled to wages before that time.


Finding the right internships: old-school

Your on-campus career center should be one of your first stops on campus…as early as your first week, freshman year. How do you find your internship? Yes, some career centers have a reputation for not helping students as much as they could, or for not having useful, up-to-date career advice. Fortunately, not all career centers fall into the old-fashioned category; in fact, many are now staffed with highly skilled, knowledgeable, passionate professionals ready to assist you in your internship search.

Major job boards like Monster, Craigslist, and Internships.com used to be the best way to find an internship or job. Use them as just one of many tools in your toolbox...don't rely solely on them to help you find your internship opportunity.

Internship Service Bureaus

Leveraging Social Media

What Lea provides below is not an exhaustive list of everything you can do in social media search. Start with one platform, learn how you will use that element to help your internship search, and then move on to the next. You can also browse internship postings, apply, and see how you're related to those posting internships.

See what jobs are posted and who you're connected to in those organizations so you can follow up on presentations. Once you've identified target companies and industries, follow the people who represent and advocate for them.

Network, network, network!

Large companies such as Ernst & Young are increasingly using their own employees to find new employees, saving time and money. Whether it's fair or not, you have to have employees who give you referrals if you want to find a job." Professionals who attend in-person networking events always know what's going on; they know which companies are doing well, important events in industries and which companies are hiring.

These influencers are almost always willing to help new professionals in the industry; offer to take them out for coffee so you can ask them more about the industry and what they are currently doing. You will also build a significant personal sphere of influence that will benefit you throughout your career.

Create your own internship

Indeed, as referred candidates are quickly tracked down, applicants from other sources such as corporate websites, internet job boards and job fairs sink to the bottom of the pile.” How to Find Your Internship Used correctly, this tactic works incredibly well - especially in this economy. Rarely will an employer turn down an offer of help... and even if they do, you've just impressed a potential mentor and influential contact.

How do I know a good internship from bad?

  • Warning signs of a bad internship
  • What to expect from a high-quality employer
  • What to expect from yourself

If at the end of the internship you have not gained any significant insight, the internship will not be as productive as you had hoped. As you watch the networking going on among your mentors and colleagues—social media, lunches, networking meetings, and Twitter chats—think, "Am I being included?" If not, your practice may not be running at full steam. Many managers are more than willing to provide you with experiences and opportunities ... if you just know what and who to ask.

If you're invited to play a quick round of soccer in the break room with your team member - do it. There are dos and don'ts that will help you maintain your practice and get the most out of it for your personal development and career success.

An internship with a small team

A Small Team Internship In other ways, however, you'll need to adapt—quickly—to thrive (or sometimes even survive) as a small team intern. Here are some simple suggestions on how to effectively intern with a small team:. The average small team manager is typically under pressure that would crack a diamond. While working hard to keep the organization running, they juggle many responsibilities – funding, technology, sales, customer service, PR… the list goes on. Your communication with managers should keep this environment in mind. For example, save extended introductions and essays with long introductions for academic papers; while professors like that communication style, novice managers need quick delivery of important points. Provide the appropriate information concisely, and you're done. But have supporting data at hand if asked for more details). Every move you make should represent you as a capable, dedicated professional—and a potential team member. As an intern, you can't always just make up your own - and are left with free time.

Learn as much as you can from your assignments (and by seeing what it takes to run a business). No doubt the challenges you face will be daunting - and you may feel some of that executive pressure, too.

The role of mentoring

  • What being a good mentee means
  • How a good mentoring process can help you
  • Real life benefits of mentorship

The role of mentoring A tennis player may need someone else outside the narrow area of ​​improving technique or physical conditioning - someone with a wider, long-term perspective - for advice on attitude, match strategy, the game plan or long-term career. The mentor is likely to be an experienced tennis player in the past, someone with credibility in the eyes of the mentee. The need for business mentoring is especially necessary in the current economic situation, especially among recent graduates looking for entry-level positions.

Opened my mind to what I could do for myself Ownership and motivation; I wouldn't be where I am now. Being well guided is one of life's great experiences - and is an absolutely crucial factor for those who achieve success in the new economy.

Using internships as a career compass

If a career isn't what you want...not only will you be done with the internship in a few short months, you'll still have time to refocus your education and personal brand. On the other hand, if the career direction is a good fit, you have time to take more internships – and meet many more influencers – in that industry before graduation. Her heart was broken ... in a matter of days, her decade-long career dream came to an end.

In her senior year of school, she switched majors/degrees to focus more on non-profit and purpose-driven businesses – and channel her love of animals into a very rewarding career (for her and the pets!). Many young careerists even decide with the internship in which part of the world they would like to live after graduation.

Get the post-graduation job you want

This tangible record serves both as proof of the value you have added to the company and as motivation for yourself to add valuable achievements to the list during your internship. Even though you may be the newest member of the team, have faith in your abilities; speak warmly to everyone in the company as if you are here to stay. Bring your list of accomplishments and show them exactly how you've proven yourself worthy.

If you haven't already, no matter what the outcome of your internship is, make sure you stay in touch with all the connections you made at this internship. If the company isn't a good fit, be appreciative of the offer, but realize that you can take your newfound experience to a culture that's a better fit...or maybe hold out for the next offer.

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