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Fiscal Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Financing Options in Sri Lanka


Academic year: 2022

Chia sẻ "Fiscal Disaster Risk Assessment and Risk Financing Options in Sri Lanka"


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The chapter concludes by describing the extent to which non−public institutions have emerged in recent years and helped to increase enrollments, while imposing low or zero costs on

For example, in 1992, the NEA launched the International System on Occupational Exposure (ISOE) as a joint programme for technical information exchange, with the objective to

The examination of the audited financial statements includes examining the presentation of financial assets on the Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Notes to

Other surveys of relevance are the 2002 National Health Survey (NHS) and the 2002-03 World Health Survey (WHS), both of which inquired about household health expenditures and

This section should be a summary of data relevant to safety in the intended patient population, integrating the results of individual clinical study reports as well as other

Practical significance: Survey the experiences in the prevention and limitation of operational risks of banks, draw useful lessons that can be applied in

Bài báo đề xuất một phương pháp mới để giám sát trạng thái và bảo vệ cho lưới điện phân phối có sự tham gia của nguồn điện phân tán bằng cách kết hợp một số phương

Due to difficulties in identifying factors for Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in Vietnam, the spatially potential soil loss was predicted by an equation developed