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Academic year: 2023

Chia sẻ "Econometrics"


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The probability table for each value of the random variable is called the probability distribution. Associated with the probability density function of a continuous random variable X is the cumulative distribution function (CDF).

The multivariate probability distribution function

To evaluate these types of problems, we typically use standard statistical tables, which are located in the appendix. Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more.



Characteristics of probability distributions

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The normal distribution

A standard normal random variable has a mean equal to zero and a standard deviation equal to one. Any normal random variable X with mean µX and standard deviation σX can be transformed into a standard normal random variable Z using the formula.

The t-distribution

Since our test value lies within this interval, we cannot reject the null hypothesis. Click on the ad to read more. Click on the ad to read more. Click on the ad to read more. Click on the ad to read more. Click on the ad to read more. Click on the ad to read more. Click on the ad to read more. per ad for more Click on ad for more Click on ad for more Click on ad for more Click on ad for more.

The Chi-square distribution

Since the test value is lower than the critical value, we cannot reject the null hypothesis.

The F-distribution

The test value lies within this interval, which means that we cannot reject the null hypothesis. Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more Click on the ad to read more.

The population regression model

They believe that the monthly disposable income of the household has a positive effect on the monthly expenditure of the household on food. Assumptions about the population regression equation and especially about the error term are important for the properties of the estimated parameters.

X need to vary in the sample

  • Estimation of population parameters
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Confidence interval

OLS relies on the idea of ​​selecting a line that represents the average ratio of observed data, similar to how an economic model is expressed. To find a plausible answer to these questions, we need to perform statistical tests of the parameters of our statistical model.


Two important concepts to remember and distinguish in these circumstances are the confidence level and the significance level. Given the significance level, we know that the confidence level for our test or equivalent interval will be 95 percent. The significance level is often denoted by the Greek letter α, which means that the confidence level is equal to 1-α.

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Type I and type II errors

An additional concept related to both types of error is the so-called power of the test. It is always the case that we want the power of the test to be as high as possible. But for a given sample, we must be aware that the lower the level of significance we choose, the larger the type II error becomes and the lower the power of the test becomes.

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The best linear predictor

The exact value of the population parameters is never an issue, so it is clear that they must be estimated. Since the expected value of the forecast error is zero, we have an unbiased forecast. The important point to note here is that this variance is impossible to estimate unless we know the exact value of the variance for the uncertainty.

Taking the square root of the variance in (4.12) or (4.13) gives us the standard error of the prediction.

The coefficient of determination (R 2 )

In general, the correlation coefficient does not provide information about the causal relationship between two variables. But the attempt of this chapter is to place the correlation coefficient in a regression model context and to show under what conditions it is appropriate to interpret the correlation coefficient as a measure of the strength of a causal relationship. The coefficient of determination attempts to decompose the average deviation from the mean into an explained part and an unexplained part.

Therefore, it is natural to start deriving the measure from the deviation from the mean expression and then introduce the predicted value derived from the regression model.

Model measures

  • The adjusted coefficient of determination (Adjusted R2)
  • The analysis of variance table (ANOVA)
  • Partial marginal effects
  • Estimation of partial regression coefficients
  • The joint hypothesis test
  • Omission of a relevant variable
  • Inclusion of an irrelevant variable
  • Measurement errors
  • Intercept dummy variables
  • Slope dummy variables
  • Qualitative variables with several categories
  • Piecewise linear regression
  • Test for structural differences
  • Consequences of using OLS
  • Detecting heteroskedasticity
  • Remedial measures

But it will not have any effect on the significance of the estimation of the parameters of the regression model. When we use the ANOVA table to perform a test on model parameters, we call this a test of overall significance. The first marginal effect (6.3) represents the effect of a unit change in car age on the conditional expected value of selling prices.

This means that the parameters included in the test have a simultaneous effect on the dependent variable that is significantly different from zero. Because the unit change usually depends on the level of the dependent variable, the marginal effect has some limitations. Some of the variables included may be economically insignificant, affecting the estimated coefficients.

Two different variances

The only thing that happens is that the error term is transformed into a constant which will correct the standard errors for the parameters. This case is very similar to the previous case except that the variable X1 is squared, meaning that the variance increases exponentially with X1. The argument is similar to what we had above, and the objective is to obtain a constant error term.

So instead of dividing by the square root of X1, we simply divide by X1 itself.

Split the data set into two parts and estimate the model separately for the two sets of data

In practice, this is done by simply transforming Y, X1 and X2 and creating a new constant equal to 1 X1i , instead of the 1 that was there next to B0. Therefore, when running this specification on a computer, you need to ask the software to run the regression through the origin, since we now have a model-specific constant that moves with X1. All computer software has that option, and once you figure out how to do it, you just go backwards.

When you transform the variables in this way, you automatically transform the error term, which is now divided by the square root of X1.

Transform each section of the data set with the relevant standard deviation, and run the regression on the full sample of n observations using the transformed variables

  • Definition and the nature of autocorrelation
  • Consequences
  • Detection of autocorrelation
  • Remedial measures
  • Consequences
  • Measuring the degree of multicollinearity
  • Remedial measures
  • Introduction
  • Estimation methods

However, the efficiency property of the OLS estimator depends on the assumption that there is no autocorrelation. To do that, we need to impose some assumptions on the behavior of X. More interesting is to examine the consequences for the parameters and their standard errors when a high correlation is present.

On the other hand, this property says nothing about how the estimator will behave in a given sample. Government spending has no effect on investment, although it does affect consumption and income. 12.34) is based on the observed variable Y2 multiplied by the sample estimator b1 given by (12.32) rather than the predicted version of the variable.

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