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A study on extra-activities to improve English speaking skill of QTTN class at HPU


Academic year: 2024

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Aims of the study

Scope of the study

Methods of the study

Design of the study



  • Definition of speaking

They need to get to the root(s) of the problem so that we can improve our pronunciation. Another problem is the aspirational sound of English consonants, which is not done in the native language. The most important information is already in the first two paragraphs of the article.

You might want to take your club out of the classroom to make it feel less academic and more social. The easiest thing to do is to keep a list of discussion questions at the meeting place. Therefore, they are already aware to some extent of the role of speaking when they participate in extra activities.

As can be seen from the pie chart, 0% of the students rated their English as excellent for studying English. Before the discussion, it is essential that the purpose of the discussion activity is determined by the teacher.

Factors affecting learners’ speaking skill

  • Listening
  • Grammatical accuracy
  • Understanding pronunciation
  • Accent neutralization
  • Organization ideas
  • English fluency
  • Enthusiasm
  • Self-confidence
  • Paralinguistic communication skills
  • Length of answers

Extra –activities

  • Definition of extra-activities
  • Some form of extra-activities

Research Methodology

  • Introduction
  • The Objective of the Survey
  • Subjects
  • Methodology and Method of the Survey
    • Methodology
    • Method
  • Procedures
  • Students’ English ability
  • Students’ attitude towards how speaking important to them …
  • Students’ taking part in extra-activities
  • Taken Forms of extra-activities
  • Students’ opinion about extra-activities

Native English speakers can say whatever they want without much difficulty, thanks to their familiarity with the language. That's one of the main reasons why non-native speakers of English get confused when pronouncing many English words, especially if their native language is phonetic. In English, stress in words and sentences, as well as intonation patterns, are also part of the so-called accent.

One should sit up straight near the edge of the seat to show attention in interviews. Make sure you have already answered the question before proceeding with the answer details. Activities like these not only provide students with a good context for interacting in English, but also help enrich their knowledge and worldviews.

It is also a convenient place because some or all of the members will already be in. As you make friends you will probably start to get together in pairs or smaller groups outside of the club meetings. Awareness of the needs and contributions of others and the ability to maintain effective relationships, at work and in the family, are essential in today's society.

Once outside, the teacher should instruct the students to close their eyes for a minute or so and describe all the sounds they can hear. Students will therefore have a better understanding of the language and culture and learn to work together more harmoniously. More acting skills and settings should be added to upgrade the quality of the play.

At the advanced drama society, classics such as Shakespeare's and Epson's and even some Chinese playwrights can be tried. At this level, increasing efforts will be made to understand the language, plot and background of the story. The chapter in the previous part of the dissertation provides an overview of note-taking in the QTTN classroom, using relevant theories, examples, and the like.

The purpose of the quantitative research is to investigate how native speakers think about speaking skills in English-speaking classes. As already mentioned, the main objective of the study is to impartially record findings on the expression of students' personal opinions about extracurricular activities. The fact is that 30 copies of the survey were distributed and the number returned is 25.

As shown in the chart, up to 35% of students sometimes or rarely participate in extracurricular activities, and only 10% of them usually do so.

Figure 1: Students‟ English ability
Figure 1: Students‟ English ability



Suggested techniques

On a given topic, students can produce ideas in a limited time. Depending on the context, either individual or group brainstorming is effective, and students generate ideas quickly and freely. The good feature of brainstorming is that students are not criticized for their ideas, so students will be open to sharing new ideas. Students can briefly summarize a narrative or story they have heard from someone beforehand, or they can make up their own stories to tell their classmates.

It also helps students express ideas in the format of a beginning, development, and conclusion, including the characters and setting of a must-have story. It is a good idea for the teacher to give the students a rubric so they know what kind of questions to ask or what path to follow. For this activity, a teacher starts telling a story, but after a few sentences he or she stops telling.

Before coming to class, students are asked to read a newspaper or magazine and in class they report to their friends what they find the most interesting news. Students can also talk about whether they have experienced anything worth telling their friends in their daily lives before the class. Etc. However, the teacher should say at the very beginning of the activity that students are not allowed to prepare yes-no questions, because saying yes or no gives students little practice in spoken language production.

The students were asked to tell the story unfolding in successive pictures, paying attention to the criteria offered as a rubric by the teacher. In this activity, students can work in pairs and each pair is given two different pictures, for example a picture of boys playing football and another picture of girls playing tennis. Give students maximum opportunities to speak the target language by providing a rich environment that includes collaborative work, authentic materials and assignments, and shared knowledge.

Try to involve each student in each speaking activity; to this end, practice different ways of engaging students. Circulate around the classroom to make sure students are on track and see if they need your help as they work in groups or pairs. Diagnose problems for students who have difficulty expressing themselves in the target language and provide more opportunities to practice the spoken language.

Suggestions for further study

Janusz Krzyzy Nski, A Study of Attitudes and Motivation of English Learners, University of Wrodaw.

Hình ảnh

Figure 1: Students‟ English ability
Figure 2: Importance of  English speaking
Figure 3: Student‟s time to take part in extra-activities

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